So what exactly is it that Sherwood has to offer the Villa and can he keep it up??

Sherwood Villa

Having looked around a few of the Villa forums, it seems to me that there are quite a few Villa fans who are still a bit dubious and even doubtful about what exactly Tim Sherwood has to offer the Villa.

No doubt this question was already asked upon his appointment, but I feel the Albion game has put a slightly different slant on things.

Sherwood quite rightly, in my opinion, said that our performances have improved game on game in all of the three that he’s managed and there’s no doubt that the Albion game was one of our best home performances for at least as long as I can remember in recent history.
Which just goes to show how poor we were under Lambert’s way of playing the game and his lack of enthusiasm that seemed to course through the veins of the club. Absolutely good riddance there then in my opinion, but that’s me and I’m digressing.

The question that now has to be asked is; can Sherwood sustain the seeming new enthusiasm amongst the players?

We can all speculate about how Sherwood works, but it really does seem he’s Marmite, as he apparently made a few enemies at Spurs and some of the playing staff quite simply detested him, while others liked him.
No problems there, as that’s what managers are supposed to do: ie, get rid of the rubbish and encourage the willing. It’s not a manager’s job to be liked.

But when you’re in a role as high-profile as that, you have to be totally ruthless, in that you can’t be friends with the people below you. Well, you can to an extent, but it’s an incredibly tricky line to walk when you want them to be 100% all the time.

It’s hard to be mates, if they haven’t performed at their best, is my point.

There’s a good example here, where Christian Benteke talks about Sherwood and note the specific comment “He speaks with a lot of confidence”.
But then, in the next breath, “He’s a very cool guy”.

And that’s the part that concerns me; a manager just shouldn’t be cool.
It might work at the likes of Google, where there’s little pressure and the money just flows in.
But in a high pressure situation, where you’re fighting for survival and the difference is a serious percentage of your turnover?
I have my doubts, because I’ve seen it before, where a gaffer comes in nice as pie, gees the lads up, but then has to get nasty, when things start going wrong.
Then he becomes the biggest (insert your own swear word here) and the attitude changes, where he’s almost the enemy.

Don’t get me wrong, Sherwood’s appointment was exactly what was needed and perhaps I’m reading it wrong, but Benteke’s further comments said a lot for me;
“The new manager understands my situation, that I have to be given more chances and then maybe I will start scoring more goals,” he said.
And then followed it up with;
“But I am grateful to Paul Lambert for what he did for me. He brought me over here from Belgium and I had a successful time under him”.

While the first sentence says exactly what we were all thinking, the second sentence is the minimum you’d expect him to say about Lambert.
If that’s not an indictment of what Benteke really thought, I don’t know what is.
I suspect many of the other players are probably glad to be rid of him too.

Back to Sherwood then and it seems like he’s a brilliant appointment at first glance, certainly one that I was glad about, given the choices.

And while I don’t want to put a dampener on what’s been a decent start to Sherwood’s reign, where the team seem re-invigorated, I do have a nagging doubt about if he’ll be able to keep it up for the rest of the season.
Hopefully, he will and he’ll prove the doubters wrong. But if not and we were to go down, I think he’d be just the man to bring us back up.


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  1. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson March 5, 2015 at 7:26 am . Reply

    Badger I sat and watched Sherwood after the match sit and talk to BT sports team with Savage and fletch, they ask all the questions that fans would won’t to know, the first question was how did you get to find out things that was on players mind as to why they where in their position, he said that he didn’t wan’t to put the last manager down on his tactics, that could have been what Benteke meant, you know players where not happy in their roll of play, he told the panel he had watched all the games they had played and thought the ball had to be played forward more, Badger he explained that the team was not a survival side and was more a team of player that should be fighting for European honor, I like the man what ever happened in Spurs should stay there he knows what he wants.

    GIDDYVILLAN March 5, 2015 at 7:47 am . Reply

    It’s a breath of fresh air when Sherwood talks besides the fact I can understand him,maybe he’s a very good salesman but as far as I’m concerned I buy everything he says.he doesn’t spout bollox he tells you as it is certainly an asset too the clubs future imo.UTV

  3. bencey83
    bencey83 March 5, 2015 at 7:51 am . Reply

    Results all went our way last night! 🙂

    GIDDYVILLAN March 5, 2015 at 8:06 am . Reply

    About time we had some luck our predecessor was a fucking jinx.

  5. Hitchens 60
    Hitchens 60 March 5, 2015 at 8:29 am . Reply

    Badger – very interesting post and it put me in mind of something Sir Ron said about managing players. I’m paraphrasing here ‘some players u need to put your arm around on a regular basis but others are different. If I didn’t kick Tony Morley up the backside at least once a week he would come and ask me what he’d done wrong’. Now Sir Ron knew a thing about management!

    What I do agree with though getting too friendly with individuals u have to manage can bring real problems if u are then called upon to make tough decisions. Good Managers are rarely popular with everyone but what they do need to do is gain the respect and support of the high performers and deal with the under achievers – that’s how you improve performance overall.

    Although I supported Lambert for a long period I was honestly never sure when he was appointed. I feel, however, Sherwood is a good appointment as he seems to be very much in the mould of the new breed of young brash continental managers full of self confidence – Ponchinetto (sic), Jose M, AVB, Guardiola etc. bringing new thinking into the game.

    Anyway time will tell but let’s enjoy the moment and give him our full support rather than becoming too questioning at this early stage.

    1. Hitchens 60
      Hitchens 60 March 5, 2015 at 8:32 am . Reply


  6. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum March 5, 2015 at 8:29 am . Reply

    Cool could mean calm, or level headed, pragmatic or honest. I don’t think he walks around the club clicking his fingers or hanging with the kids. It could also mean he’s younger and refreshing and speaks the same language whereas some of the older (or dourer) managers don’t. We can only suck it and see…I’m glad he’s here, he’s lifted the place and that’s what we were desperate for, needing to lift the malaise. When players don’t perform, too right they should be dropped and subjected to the carrot or stick, whichever suits the player best. Even Chewalot screwed up mishandling a few players in his time. For now we have just one objective – to stay up. After that he can look at individuals and long term tactics and playing ethos.
    Rolll on Saturday!!!

  7. BWS
    BWS March 5, 2015 at 9:06 am . Reply

    Villa fans who are still a bit dubious and even doubtful? Are we Villa fans ever happy? Fickle is as fickle does.
    I like the bloke, yea he may be Marmite but what was it Cloughie said? Everybody likes him so there’s obviously something wrong!” Now aint that the truth?
    I was especially impressed the way he went out of his way to wind the Baggies up before Tuesday’s game with the ‘Little Club’ jibe, great stuff and then yesterday another dig about them having to up their game if they want to beat us on Saturday. Great stuff, ok it might blow up in his face but it certainly ups the ante and ups AVFC’s profile by one way or another by putting us in the media spotlight, something that’s been missing since the MON era.
    Whatever happens we shouldn’t judge him until he’s had around 18 months, until he’s had time to stamp his mark on the squad, brought in the players he wants to play to the style he wants.
    You have to remember these are not his players, he’s just got to play with the hand he’s been dealt.
    Ok one win don’t make us Champions league place contenders just yet but it was great the other night and I haven’t seen VP rocking like that for a few years so let’s not start trying to burst our own bubble just yet.

  8. DSVilla
    DSVilla March 5, 2015 at 9:16 am . Reply

    Whatever your opinion of Sherwood might be, the reality is we now have a realistic chance of staying up. I truly believe that under Lambert we would have been relegated. Management of a decent football team must be one of the most difficult jobs around. Players have the power. Many get paid more than the manager. They are mates with the other players. One or two disaffected players can unsettle others, and it is impossible to please all of them.

    I don’t know if Sherwood will work out long term (by which I mean across, say, three seasons as most managers don’t seem to last much longer). However, I’m sure he was the best available candidate and the right appointment in the circumstances. Our survival in the Prem is pretty much in our own hands, so hopefully it will be achieved. With a bit of backing in the summer maybe we will have something to look forward to next year. Hopefully the penny will have dropped with Lerner, and if he still owns the club he will know he doesn’t want to risk our top flight status again.

    1. Colonius81
      Colonius81 March 6, 2015 at 12:04 am . Reply

      Ya my feeling on the suitability mirrors a lot said so far, short term, – pro’s he is the inspiring type, and has lifted the doom and gloom, cons. 1 wins from 3 isn’t much to be shouting about just yet. But our tails are up, we may generate momentum.

      medium/ long term, he does lack experience, he is abrasive, I too noticed the dig at W. Brom in his comments! i was surprised it didn’t get picked up more by the media, but I suppose they are not really looking at us much these days and with good reason too!
      cocky arrogant yep, it can and will rub up players or staff the wrong way but so what? sometimes its exactly what you need sometimes its better than the alternative.
      no matter how cool/calm, mental, cocky or humble he is, or any manager is. it will work with some and not with others. there isn’t a clear good or bad to that. It can work we just have to see if it will.

      Ferguson mourinho, top top coaches, both up their own holes for their entire career. (to date)
      Mourniho is especially annoying but I think he does it deliberately. its a pure diversion. it takes away from any real commentary on his tactics ( which for the life of me are never questioned!) or his football style which is .. or his individual man management.

      I see possibly Sherwood doing the same thing, the press will be far too concerned with what crazy sherwood will say next and far less concerned on tactics or players or confidence etc.

      again.. I see no fault in it and of itself in terms of getting results.
      it may work, it may not, it has for some and no approach will get everything 100%

      so we still need 3 wins I believe if we get those with a few games to spare – we should squeaze a few draws along the way too ending up with 35 – 37 points .. I think it will be enough .. just but it will be enough.
      let the games begin!!!

    #HELENIUS March 5, 2015 at 10:45 am . Reply

    Playing Lamberts tactics of last season does not make him a good manager – Win the ball back and play forward quickly.

    This season he tried adopting a tippy tappy approach, with no invention – That just don’t work when you don’t have the best players in he world in your team.

    1. Muzzvill
      Muzzvill March 5, 2015 at 11:27 am . Reply

      Helenius I would suggest that the players were better than lambert thought they were though agreed there not world beaters but lambert seemed frightened on letting players express themselves more which suggest to me he never thought they were good enough which was total bollox way to conservative, we certainly have a better squad than 6 or 7 teams that are above us

    2. BWS
      BWS March 5, 2015 at 1:10 pm . Reply

      Helenuis I can live with that mate and to be honest this Barcelona type football can bore the pants of me.
      Perhaps Reep/ Hughes were on to something with their theory that “most goals were scored from three passes or fewer.”
      Here’s a extract from the Journal of Sports Sciences 2005
      • Longer passing sequences having lower frequencies of goals.
      • That the incontrovertible facts that approximately 80% of goals are scored from a total of four passes or less.
      • The conversion ratio of shots to goals is better for direct play than for possession play.

      If it works then it’s all good in my opinion.


      1. BWS
        BWS March 5, 2015 at 1:12 pm . Reply


  10. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee March 5, 2015 at 12:19 pm . Reply

    Sherwood has to offer confidence,balls,attacking football,truthful harsh but fair man management,an understanding of Aston Villa football club and how big it is and what that should mean to the players and above all a passion to succeed.Its a bit early to debate is he isn’t he the man for Aston Villa.If Sherwood manages to keep us in this division he deserves a good crack at the whip and our full backing.Goodluck to him utv

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath March 5, 2015 at 5:41 pm . Reply

      Hey jay dee I said it would be 2.1 to us. Oh yeah if little faith lol

  11. jvillan
    jvillan March 5, 2015 at 12:35 pm . Reply

    on sherwood
    if he can get gabby fit and performing 7/8 out 10 not the last 5 years of one good game every 10/12 its a good start ,most teams hate playing pacey front men especially whenyou have benteke to flick it on,gabby should had at least 2 with penalty and keeper sent off tues night ,there is enough good players for sherwood to keep us up ,and if lerner doesn t sell he has to back him with serious cash to be 0ver 10 thousand under gate for local derby in crunch game is shocking spend some money fans will come back

  12. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum March 5, 2015 at 12:36 pm . Reply

    I like Sherwood. I fookin’ hate Marmite though…

    1. BWS
      BWS March 5, 2015 at 3:20 pm . Reply

      “Oh please Beneteke, please don’t f**k up”
      Classic, how many of us thought that?

      1. Hitchens 60
        Hitchens 60 March 5, 2015 at 5:10 pm . Reply

        Love the wife’s reaction when Benteke scores – priceless!

      GIDDYVILLAN March 5, 2015 at 5:16 pm . Reply

      A bit OTT LOL his missus sounds boring.

      1. BWS
        BWS March 5, 2015 at 5:18 pm . Reply

        Probably pissed off cause she’s missed Corrie.

        1. GIDDYVILLAN
          GIDDYVILLAN March 5, 2015 at 5:22 pm . Reply

          LOL bang on MATE. 😀

          1. BWS
            BWS March 5, 2015 at 5:32 pm . Reply

            It’s true mate aint it, they watch all their crap all week and you put it up with it but put the the footy on for hour and half and heaven help us, they pull a right face.
            F**king unbelievable!

          2. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN March 5, 2015 at 5:55 pm . Reply

            MATE that’s why I stay single fuck the ear ache.

          3. BWS
            BWS March 5, 2015 at 6:23 pm . Reply

            A wise decision mate.

  13. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee March 5, 2015 at 2:38 pm . Reply

    Nice to hear Stillian Pertov will return joining the 1st team coaching staff utv

  14. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson March 5, 2015 at 3:54 pm . Reply

    I thought I heard him say that J Dee, that’s great to see Villa looking after its own, as for that video Bum bum Brill but just as mad as my house that night, the wife’s just asked me to take my Villa top off she wants to wash it, had it on since Tuesday.

  15. Andrew
    Andrew March 5, 2015 at 4:08 pm . Reply

    Can understand the stand point a manager shouldn’t be called “cool”, but then again allowing players more freedom, to have more fun in what they do, can go a hell of a long way.

    Seems we’re down to the bare minimum against West Bromich this weekend with it being possible not even having 18 senior players fit. Half a dozen academy players training with the first team, guess we’ll see if any of them make the bench.

      GIDDYVILLAN March 5, 2015 at 4:22 pm . Reply

      Who else is injured now??

      1. Andrew
        Andrew March 5, 2015 at 4:35 pm . Reply

        Reading the Birmingham Mail, all they go on about is the injuries to the defense, which we already knew and Hutton being suspended.

        “Vlaar is battlnig a calf problem, and Alan Hutton is suspended, while Kieran Richardson, Aly Cissokho, Philippe Senderos and Nathan Baker are definitely out.”

        I’d honestly rather see Kinsella at LB than Lowton at LB and Bacuna t RB.

        1. GIDDYVILLAN
          GIDDYVILLAN March 5, 2015 at 4:44 pm . Reply

          Cheers MATE didn’t know about Hutton couldn’t give a fuck about vlaar getting used to the crock being off the scene & yes about kinsella not a big fan of lowton.UTV

          1. Andrew
            Andrew March 5, 2015 at 4:47 pm . Reply

            Lowton’s looked decent under Sherwood. I think Sherwood can get him back to his first season best. Hutton hasn’t impressed me much so Lowton needs his chance.

          2. Hitchens 60
            Hitchens 60 March 5, 2015 at 5:14 pm . Reply

            Hi my optimistic friend – to be fair I thought Lowtonj did OK Tuesday and he really ‘bust a gut’ to get into the area which led to the penalty. I hate players being played out of position but I think we’ll see Lowton continue at LB with Bacuna on the right and Kinsella on the bench – but then what do I know?

          3. BWS
            BWS March 5, 2015 at 5:14 pm . Reply

            Have to disagree with you on that, Hutton for me at full back any day of the week.
            As much as I rate Lowton, he imo he looks far more comfortable and accomplished further up the pitch than he does at the back.

        2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath March 5, 2015 at 5:43 pm . Reply

          Agree surely we can put kinsella in at left bk for for cup game no risk at all.

          1. Andrew
            Andrew March 5, 2015 at 5:44 pm . Reply

            It’s what I’m hoping. I’d love Bacuna to start, but further up the pitch, on the right, in front of Lowton.

          2. BWS
            BWS March 5, 2015 at 5:49 pm . Reply

            That’s what I’b do mate, Lowton offers much more coming forward.

          3. Andrew
            Andrew March 5, 2015 at 5:53 pm . Reply

            Biggest question is who would we put in front of Kinsella. He’ll need covering at times, being that young and inexperienced.

          4. BWS
            BWS March 5, 2015 at 6:22 pm . Reply

            On reflection I’d probably play Bacuna at right back, it’d be far to risky playing a green kid a against Berahino.

    GIDDYVILLAN March 5, 2015 at 4:52 pm . Reply

    Is too many bookings yet again for Hutton???lucky to not being sent off the other night.

    1. Andrew
      Andrew March 5, 2015 at 4:57 pm . Reply

      10th booking of the season, misses our next 2 games.

        GIDDYVILLAN March 5, 2015 at 5:03 pm . Reply

        Thought it’d be 1 again who’ll replace him bacuna poss???

        1. Andrew
          Andrew March 5, 2015 at 5:40 pm . Reply

          10 bookings is 2. Probably, either that or Kinsella at LB, Lowton RB. Much prefer that.

  17. kenny edmonds
    kenny edmonds March 5, 2015 at 5:45 pm . Reply

    gd luck tim sherwood. mayb u can revitalise the team. the team we av is very gd tim. best defence in the league wen all fit. very gd midfield players a few out of form. u av very gd attackin options. ur job now is 2 use the qualitys we av in the right way that suits the team. cleverly top midfielder needs 2 come back 2 that now. delph class midfielder wen completely rite and as gd as any. nzogbia amazin but not shown form that scares defenders and creates things. agbonlahour is a god 2 villa fans he has gd pace also gives it his all but sometimes he dont create space in the rite way and sometimes dont run in rite places. benteke is capable of scorin great goals and has class abt him and is strong and powerfull and u av 2 b able 2 use him and his strengths rite. he can also hit 1 from outside box so if he is movin in rite areas he will score more wen u get passes rite from trainin 2 the games. wiemann i dont think is quite ready but almost and is gd enuf 2 play but not quite there. westwood is a fantastic passer of a ball. if u can keep gettin him 2 do that at the rite times and keep lookin for it more wen on the ball that wud also ad 2 the team. hope u av read this tim and like i said gl. kenny

  18. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee March 5, 2015 at 8:34 pm . Reply

    Is Vlaar back for Saturday ?

    1. Hitchens 60
      Hitchens 60 March 5, 2015 at 9:18 pm . Reply

      Not according to the media; non of our injured defenders will be fit plus Hutton’s suspension means we will have a makeshift defence. TS may have to play a holding midfielder in the circumstances or he might be very bold and throw Kinsella in at LB with Lowton moving to RB. I thought Lowton did OK Tuesday so would prefer to see Bacuna play RB as he can make the forward runs the diamond formation needs and he has played in that position before.

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath March 6, 2015 at 7:36 pm . Reply

      Fuckin hope not

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