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  1. Hitchens 60
    Hitchens 60 July 8, 2015 at 9:51 am . Reply

    Good luck to Shay; never had an issue with him. If Villa were daft enough to sign him for 5 years at a high wage then he’s not going to turn it down.

    GIDDYVILLAN July 8, 2015 at 9:55 am . Reply

    Good luck to shay,I wish him the best.

    1. Bill Pearson
      Bill Pearson July 8, 2015 at 11:26 am . Reply

      As you’ve said Hitch high wager earner off the books, been a good keeper I wish him luck, hope I’ll hear soon about sale of Villa off on hols soon and across the waters, will wear my colours with pride.

        GIDDYVILLAN July 8, 2015 at 4:38 pm . Reply

        MATE not the yellow & black one I hope.

  3. Dave67
    Dave67 July 8, 2015 at 11:46 am . Reply

    Good luck to him great professional he also took a wage cut to join us did not want to warm the bench at city.

  4. Ardent Villain
    Ardent Villain July 8, 2015 at 11:49 am . Reply

    A good keeper when he was at his peak, and by most accounts a decent bloke, so wish him well.

    But realistically his peak was a good few years ago, and if his departure allows someone younger/hungrier to come to Villa then it’s win-win for all concerned.

    From what I can see so far, it does look to me as if Sherwood is determined to be surrounded by players who want to ‘play’ – rather than ones who are content to just be paid a small fortune for being ‘in the squad’ but only getting a few first-team games each season.

  5. Aidan
    Aidan July 8, 2015 at 12:00 pm . Reply

    Given obviously wants to be #1. Given the bid for Begovic it seems Worzel is not happy with his keeping options. Will be hard to find a keeper as good as Given!! Good luck to him at Boro.

  6. domingo
    domingo July 8, 2015 at 12:22 pm . Reply

    good luck to him . i think he had to leave as he wants to keep playing for the republic of ireland and needs first team football to stay as ireland number one.

  7. pat57
    pat57 July 8, 2015 at 1:31 pm . Reply

    Best of luck Shay.

    Helped us stay up when Guzan’s confidence had gone. Made some vital saves for us.

    Hope this means that Tim is well on the way to signing another keeper

  8. B6
    B6 July 8, 2015 at 1:51 pm . Reply

    All the best Shay, Hopefully Delph won’t be to far behind you through the exit door!

  9. marvin
    marvin July 8, 2015 at 3:41 pm . Reply

    Ever the professional, let it be through playing or coaching, but I couldn’t be more thrilled to get his wages off the books. I wish him luck and I hope playing a full season will help him find some sort of form. I would say he definitely owes Sherwood a bit of thanks for giving him a chance, because under Lambert Given look all but ready to retire into a coaching role.

  10. pat57
    pat57 July 8, 2015 at 4:38 pm . Reply

    Given to Stoke!!!

    What happened there?

    1. Ardent Villain
      Ardent Villain July 8, 2015 at 4:49 pm . Reply

      I’d guess that it means that Begovic is that much closer to leaving Stoke?

      [or perhaps Given just didn’t fancy moving house all the way up North…]

  11. Tom
    Tom July 8, 2015 at 5:55 pm . Reply

    So does this mean we could even get a small fee for given? Fantastic if we could make a few quid and off load the wage

    1. domingo
      domingo July 8, 2015 at 6:05 pm . Reply

      No we give him a free to join Middlesbrough so im guessing as a free agent he can join anyone who will have him and we don’t get a penny. but we do save a bloody fortune in wages. so its still a good deal for us.

    2. Ardent Villain
      Ardent Villain July 8, 2015 at 6:27 pm . Reply

      The story actually says that Villa cancelled the last year of his contract [by mutual consent] – to leave him a free agent, so no fee.

  12. ifiruledtheworld
    ifiruledtheworld July 8, 2015 at 8:34 pm . Reply

    Marseille owner calling Villa a small club, says Gueye only chose us over them as a springboard onto better clubs. Well, he certainly sounds bitter about missing out on Gueye.

    1. Badger123
      Badger123 July 8, 2015 at 11:37 pm . Reply

      The quotes I read, he didn’t actually call Villa a small club.
      He was referring more to West Ham and another Prem club I can’t remember.

      Either way, it makes no odds really, as sadly if you’re not in the CL, you are a small club, these days.

      1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
        OohAhPaulMcGrath July 9, 2015 at 8:33 am . Reply

        Liverpool arnt in CL and still regarded as big club

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath July 9, 2015 at 8:34 am . Reply

      Probably true we are a stepping stone club these days no doubt about it

      1. DSVilla
        DSVilla July 9, 2015 at 8:54 am . Reply

        And so are Liverpool, with Suarez leaving last year and Sterling this year. Then of course there’s Man U, De Gea off to Madrid. You could probably only name a handful of clubs that aren’t selling clubs really. That in itself is not Villa’s problem. The lack of success, and reliance on one or two players, plus not replacing them is the real issue I think.

  13. B6
    B6 July 8, 2015 at 10:22 pm . Reply

    He has a point though, isn’t that what players do? How many players have left us or better clubs?

  14. OriginalLondonLion
    OriginalLondonLion July 9, 2015 at 8:49 am . Reply

    I am intrigued by the Stoke move for Given. There he would be expected to mentor Buckland, and probably play 2nd fiddle. Begovic is obviously going, but where? Chelsea usually play the transfer game in the full glare of publicity, so it seems they haven’t yet convinced Begovic he will get enough of the games that matter as #2 to Courtois. I hope he is still considering a move to Villa and we pay what’s needed to get him. I don’t take a lot of notice of Guzan’s form for the US team because international football is worse than EPL standard outside the top eight nations.

  15. B6
    B6 July 9, 2015 at 9:57 am . Reply

    Mark Bunn….wow…what a signing! #Ambition

    1. Ardent Villain
      Ardent Villain July 9, 2015 at 10:17 am . Reply

      Presumably a back-up to Guzan???

      1. B6
        B6 July 9, 2015 at 10:23 am . Reply

        Is Guzan in Sherwoods plans? I wouldn’t be surprised if he was back up to Steer or even our new number 1!!

    GIDDYVILLAN July 9, 2015 at 10:14 am . Reply

    From begovic to now bunn,WHO????I suppose he’s a freebie possibly the incentive to sign him.

    1. B6
      B6 July 9, 2015 at 10:22 am . Reply

      It’s the same crap every season Giddy. We get linked to all these decent players and end up signing Shit. Probably got him for 50k a week less I imagine.

        GIDDYVILLAN July 9, 2015 at 10:29 am . Reply

        B6 my thoughts exactly MATE,like I previously posted the club seemed to be looking for a decent proven goalkeeper when actually they were looking for the total opposite & paying FUCKall.groundhog day springs to mind.

  17. B6
    B6 July 9, 2015 at 10:25 am . Reply

    Or then again we will probably end up signing Begovic and selling Guzan!

      GIDDYVILLAN July 9, 2015 at 10:35 am . Reply

      Not a hope VILLA wouldn’t pay stokes asking price,we’ll just canter along bringing in freebies.the GUEYE deals gone quiet getting a work permit takes this long?????hmmmmm

  18. saddened
    saddened July 9, 2015 at 10:32 am . Reply

    leaked all over the press we are interested in a £10m keeper – then we actually sign someone on a free – how bloody predictable.

    1. Ardent Villain
      Ardent Villain July 9, 2015 at 10:42 am . Reply

      Just have a feeling that this isn’t Villa’s last move as far as ‘keepers are concerned this window…

    GIDDYVILLAN July 9, 2015 at 10:40 am . Reply

    Saddened yes MATE not only predictable but embarrassing,guaranteed alot more smaller clubs will be spending decent money on players.

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