The draws for the second round of the Capital One cup have been made and Notts County will be traveling to Villa Park during the 25th-27th of August. Last season Aston Villa lost in the second round of the League Cup to Leyton Orient, with a scoreline of 1-0 with Vincelot scoring the only goal. Hopefully Villa progress this time around.
Notts County is the team in which Jack Grealish went out on loan for the 2013-14 season. He had a very impressive loan spell where he played 37 games for the now League 2 side scoring 5 goals in the process. Notts County is also home now to the recently released Jordan Burke.
A Cup run would be a fantastic proposition for the Villa fans, we all enjoyed the FA Cup run and now with a large squad I reckon there should be no problems progressing to the third round. Except a few youngsters to be given a chance.
Adam, looks like a favorable draw that, should draw in a large crowd also give Sherwood a chance to make his mind up on whose who, game tonight Villa to win in a 11 games, 2-1 .
Got the man he’s just signed , the dart.
Traore signs now we’re after this kid, this is all getting to much.
What a difference one man can make, all hail the mighty Tim and long shall he reign.
BWS, its getting unbelievable to see Villa at last going all out to be back on the top flight, I take back everything I’ve said about Lerner he must have his heart in the right place, long may it continue. Vtid.
Looks as if he’s finally decided that there’s no point being in the business if all you aim for is ‘survival’ – and maybe the backroom team at VP have convinced him that he doesn’t need to spend tens of millions £’s on individual marquee signings on totally exorbitant wages, if the alternative is to actually scout for younger talent that wants to show what it can do in a Villa shirt…
All good points Ardent but I also wonder whether this new investment approach has arisen out of what the club learned from the recent closed due diligence process that didn’t lead to a sale? My other point would be that Lerner always intimated that he needed to rebalance the finances following MON’s excesses and the crash of 2008 and to respond to the FFP rules. If that’s been achieved and with RL having more confidence in the senior management team and additional income from Sky then in makes sense to return to a properly managed investment strategy.
Now TS has to deliver.
All good points H60 but let’s not get wrapped up in the politics and just enjoy the moment. Come on you Lions!!!!
It’s great see isn’t Bill? And I have a good feeling about tonight, I reckon we’re going to turn them over good and proper – 2 – neigh 3 nil. UTV!
Ardent, there appears to be a air of expectancy around VP, TS has lifted the gloom of the Mc (he that shall not be mentioned) and the Lambert era’s. It’s been a long time coming but it’s finally feeling great to be a Villan again.
Ardent, Hitch, BWS, all valid points lads, my lads just text me to say new boy can play tonight? I don’t think he will, The lad is like his dad though eat sleep and drink Villa. I’m so excited cannot rest, he’s out now having lunch in the Villa Tavern lucky boy.
All right for some (-:
BWS – right on and I am as happy as pig in s**t at the moment. Loving being a real team again, loving the positivity and also got a good feeling about tonight – after 23 years we deserve a win! Luckily been really busy all day so time passing wuite quickly – few friends round to watch the game – break out the beers yo ho ho – woooo!
I’m jealous mate Radio job for me, at work till 10 (unless I can wangle something).
Agree that the reasons for the about-turn are not that important.
My only concern is that the whole up-beat mood will change as soon as we lose a couple of games; all of this team-building is clearly medium to long-term [at least 2-3 seasons] and as sure as night follows day it’ll take months to get a team functioning as a unit. I can just imagine the comments on here if we’re struggling to put points on the board while the blend is being sorted…
No chance we will wimped out tonight like we normally do at home to Utd esp if they get first goal
No manure preview LADS????
Wow. Massive problems on motorway closed both ways ,crane gone through barrier blocked highways cannot get off at 6 ,stacking up. Headache for police tonight.