Middlesbrough – Villa; Two hopes of anything here, I reckon

Whilst thinking about this game, I’ve been nosing around the Birmingham Mail site and came across an Erdington band’s version of the song “Fairytale in New York”.
I didn’t listen to it, but it’s apparently quite good, as it’s typically self deprecating, which is what we Brummies excel at.
Which got me to thinking that if you didn’t laugh at our current situation, you’d have to cry.
Which is exactly how I feel at the moment.

I spoke to my very knowledgable Derby mate today, saying that we had no hopes of getting anything tomorrow and his banter aside, he totally agreed.
Then again, he also agreed with me that getting rid of Bruce would be a massive mistake for us, so what does he know, given that it seems I’m in quite a small minority at the moment?

It’s the Pulis factor, isn’t it?
You just know he’s going to at least make Boro difficult to score against, even though he’s only been there for five minutes.
Couple that with the fact that even if we create anything, we don’t look like we are going to score many and I can only see this going one way.

Thinking positively, Bruce has said we will be better.
Hmm, how’s that going to work then?
Can we expect to see a totally different midfield, with some pace in it?

Two hopes and my bet is that his big idea of a change-up will involve not playing Whelan and Jedinak together again as defensive central mids. Whoopy doo!

It’s all ok though, as Wyness has told us that the lads haven’t had their day off and have had extra training instead.
I suspect it’s the training that is totally wrong in the first place, given that we can barely pass the ball, let alone pass it and look for the return.
Ah, it’s all basic stuff and you certainly don’t need me to tell you about it.

I could rattle on about who’s available and who isn’t, but I’m pretty sure you all know that too, so instead, I’ll just comment on the Express and Star’s article, where, while the headline is about Terry doing 6AM sessions, it appears that five or six players are doing their “B” coaching licenses. It would seem that the club has also applied to hold the course at Bodymoor Heath.

That’s all very well and good, except I wonder what they’re going to learn, given that our coaching seems abysmal and has oft been criticised by us fans?

My point here is that I’d much rather these players put 100% into getting us promoted and worry about the coaching side later, after they’ve actually achieved something.
It makes me wonder where their priorities are and if indeed that’s the carrot that Bruce offered them to come to the Villa in the first place?

I can’t see past a 2-0 defeat.
And strangely, I find myself not quite laughing about it, but just shrugging it off.
It’s what we Brummies do isn’t it?
Take the mickey out of ourselves, take it on the chin and moan.

It could always be worse. You could be a Blues fan, where they’re having hysterics.


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  1. B6
    B6 December 30, 2017 at 5:08 pm . Reply

    Fair play to Bruce, he got it spot on today tactically. Forcing Boro to change there way of playing.

    Well done Bruce and the boys.


  2. Owen
    Owen December 30, 2017 at 5:32 pm . Reply

    Gap to second down to 7 points – can still do this!

  3. Owen
    Owen December 30, 2017 at 5:35 pm . Reply

    Before this round of games started on Friday night Boro were 7th- we’ve beaten a top 7 team now, away as well- whatever next.

    1. nath
      nath December 30, 2017 at 7:34 pm . Reply

      it was lucky the ball hit snodgrass lol and 7 is not top 6

      1. Owen
        Owen December 31, 2017 at 10:38 am . Reply

        But Before yesterday we hadn’t beaten a team in the top 7 so it’s a start right? If we beat Bristol City I want an open top bus parade for Brucey and the guys!

        1. nath
          nath December 31, 2017 at 10:46 am . Reply

          i was pulling your leg owen

  4. Holte 66
    Holte 66 December 30, 2017 at 6:06 pm . Reply

    An important result for Bruce because is formations and tactics have been debatable, but Middlesbrough’s style of play suited us probably with thanks to Pulis who will nullify them offensively, but like Bruce will try to make them hard to beat. Tougher game next against Bristol City who play on the front foot so hoping at home Bruce sets up to win rather than not lose.

  5. nath
    nath December 30, 2017 at 6:22 pm . Reply

    bristrol city will be a much harder task. they press without the ball and they move into space when they have the ball, makes life easier. also they are a major threat from corners, 0 0 with wolves h/t

  6. nath
    nath December 30, 2017 at 6:26 pm . Reply

    if we are looking for a manager. then anybody want this Lee Johnson if they miss out on promotion, villa should offer him anything he wants. his team are going places. certainly up their with the best team in this league

  7. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum December 30, 2017 at 6:40 pm . Reply

    Bloody piss stalks!!!!

  8. DSVilla
    DSVilla December 30, 2017 at 7:05 pm . Reply

    I’m shocked that we won this game. It’s nice for a change. Doesn’t alter my views on Bruce but I’m not going to have a moan for once and will simply enjoy the rest of my weekend.

  9. DSVilla
    DSVilla December 30, 2017 at 7:10 pm . Reply

    Oh, and a few minutes pitch time for RHM. I hope he can stay clear of injury so we can see what he can do at this level.

  10. nath
    nath December 30, 2017 at 7:28 pm . Reply

    well bristrol will have to play us with their reserve goalie and they really put in a shift and still lost 2 /1 but they will beat us i am sure then we sack bruce and the world is ours

  11. nath
    nath December 30, 2017 at 7:40 pm . Reply

    “We played badly against Brentford and all of a sudden we’re in crisis again and we have to eradicate that from the club.

    bruse says lmao i wish him luck a good team would have score two or three today

  12. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson December 30, 2017 at 8:12 pm . Reply

    I’m Gob Smacked, i did see the game and its no different but we won , well done Villa.

  13. Andrew
    Andrew December 30, 2017 at 8:15 pm . Reply

    Bruce with the stupid comment again. He actually thinks fans were complaining solely about Brentford. Then again this is the idiot that said Elphick wouldn’t have played if Whelan didn’t fall Ill, as Jedinak would’ve again for absolutely no reason played center back, and those two again would’ve cost us a game.

    Well done Elphick for shoving it in Bruce’s face though. Hopefully showing Bruce that Jedinak doesn’t need to play at center back and showing Whelan never needs to play again.

    It was an awful performance, but we somehow won. Typical of every win we’ve had.

  14. Andrew
    Andrew December 30, 2017 at 8:17 pm . Reply

    Although nothing makes me happier than seeing Pulis lose. Shit manager, shit attitude. Really makes me hope Boro start slipping. Sad as I did top them for a top 6 spot at the start of the season.

  15. nath
    nath December 30, 2017 at 8:53 pm . Reply

    jedinak has no legs to play midfield. he is a bigger liability in midfield than he is at the back, he has played lots of times at the back and not just because bruce picked him.

    fancy bristrol city boss. a good tactician and he put flint up field against wolves even when they were wining one nil, thats a defender like samba. it was the right thing to do, it forced wolves on the back foot more and pinned them back from breaking,

  16. Holte 66
    Holte 66 December 30, 2017 at 9:17 pm . Reply

    If the reason for Davis and Whelan not playing today was because of illness then you could assume that best both can hope for is a place on bench against Bristol City with only 2 days to recover. Hepburn-Murphy by all accounts impressed when he came on for Hogan, and Grealish should start so could be time for youngsters to take their chances. I would sooner that then be a nursery club for Spurs and Man Ure. If all we can do in January are loans because of FFP rules then I would rather do no business and blood our own.

    1. nath
      nath December 30, 2017 at 9:28 pm . Reply

      i agree murphy did well, he used his speed to break on boro but he also used his head and not running into blind alleys, i think the way to beat bristrol is to work harder than you worked all season. they will be exhausted, also they have 4 games in 9 days, injuries and reserve goalie

    2. Andrew
      Andrew December 30, 2017 at 10:18 pm . Reply

      While I agree blooding our own should be the way to go. The big problem is, we have no choice but to go up, or we’re screwed financially. So we’ll be looking for a senior striker, which we should be doing anyways. While I’m a fan of Murphy and Davis, Murphy just came back from injury and Davis doesn’t score. We need a regular goal scoring striker.

      1. Hitchens60
        Hitchens60 December 31, 2017 at 8:03 am . Reply

        According to one report we have the lowest January transfer budget (£1m) of any team in the Championship. So those not wishing to blood Prem team players may get their wish but just who will play in goal then?

        Bruce will sell players so Elphick has just put himself well into the shop window – expect him to go which means Jedinak will be a ‘go to’ CB where, frankly, he’s a liability from what I’ve seen.

        I really can’t see us improving the squad in January so let’s hope these youngsters are as good as is being claimed on here

  17. Holte 66
    Holte 66 December 30, 2017 at 9:45 pm . Reply

    Losing in the last minute will have knocked the stuffing out of Bristol City and as mentioned a reserve goalie who looked shaky might mean it is a good time to play them. We live in hope anyway.

    1. nath
      nath December 30, 2017 at 9:49 pm . Reply

      agreed but we still have to match their work efforts, which was really high all game.

  18. Holte 66
    Holte 66 December 30, 2017 at 10:18 pm . Reply

    Definitely work rate against teams like Millwall, Brentford and Bristol City next up is the minimum the fans expect. Most successful teams have a balance of experience and youth. Apart from Davis up until recently our team lacks youth and it says something when Hutton looks like one of our quickest players. Players like Grealish, Green (when fit) Murphy and O’Hare really could make the difference if given chance.

  19. Andrew
    Andrew December 30, 2017 at 10:21 pm . Reply

    Apparently we want Powell, which is as underwhelming as we can get. I swear if we sell players to sign him… It’ll be another disaster.

    1. B6
      B6 December 30, 2017 at 11:56 pm . Reply

      Enoch would be a major coup for any club!!

  20. nath
    nath December 31, 2017 at 6:46 am . Reply

    watching teams like bristrol city and wolves, you can see where villa lack. its mostly work rate both in possession and out. against boro this work rate was a improvement on past games.but it was nowhere near the late game. city and wolves. wolves play loads sideways and backwards. but they also move forwards with speed =once they spot a opening. city where wolves equal. they press very high and all game. they also move loads with the ball, which means they keep good possession.

    villa need to wake up and rise to the challenge. if they believe they are better than these two they need to up the work rate and prove it. i notice jedi win the ball and drive forwards from a deep laying villa, but no sooner he past halfway he was dead. he tried to find hogan but it was a pass of desperation. he was out of breathe. that is our midfield.

    sorry but if jedi has a role its at the back not in midfield. no legs to press or getting forwards in support. this is a reason why we are so stretched. wolves and city always compact. even towards the end with 10 a side they always had support where ever they were on pitch

    coaches need to coach 2018 is our year

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