Is a takeover on? or off? Much ado about nothing, imo. And Comolli

Did you see what I did there, given that it’s currently Shakespeare season?
Hmm, moving quickly on;

Aston Villa seem to be flavour of the month when it comes to news and it’s no wonder after the comedy of errors we’ve seen lately.
Anything is seemingly possible at the club, as we’re in such a state of disarray and it leaves us wide open to speculation.
Speculation that might be miles off the mark, but can’t instantly be written off as total rubbish.
In other words, the press are loving it, as it gives them a chance to make up any old crap just to fill column space.

The perfect example of this comes in comparing The Mirror, where “no saviour is on the horizon yet”, as opposed to The Telegraph, where “chairman Steve Hollis is understood to be talking to three parties about a potential sale.”

It’s total conjecture which always comes about at this time of year, it would seem.
Purely designed to sell season tickets?
You might very well think that; I couldn’t possibly comment (anyone else remember “House of cards”?).

Anyway, the point is I don’t believe a word I’m reading.
Likewise, the Mirror saying in the above article that we’ve now had two conversations with Nigel Pearson.
But you never know and it makes for good reading if you’re a fan of the club.

All that said, the Telegraph article is great because the main part of it is that the supposed Chinese consortium that wants to buy us is proposing to bring in Damien Comolli.
Now that’s a bloke who is as Marmite as it gets, in my opinion.

If you look at his CV, it really is pretty good.
He speaks fluent Spanish, French and English.
And apparently knows everything about everything to do with footy, with him having qualified for a coaching badge and having a law degree.
Except pretty much every proper football manager and possibly chairman who ever worked with him seems to have detested him.
For every Luis Suarez that he signed, he also had an Andy Carroll.
I could add that he was responsible for bringing Hutton and Bent to Spurs, but that might be unfair of me.

Anyway, it’s probably another made up story based on the fact that he can probably converse with the foreign players in our squad. Most of whom probably won’t be here for much longer anyway.

I really don’t know why I countenance all this rubbish.
But I know some of you love it.
And fair play, it makes for better reading than how we’ve performed this season.
I really do hope some of the positive stuff, as in a takeover ends up to be true.


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  1. originallondonlion
    originallondonlion April 29, 2016 at 11:55 am . Reply

    A lot of prescient comments and sound advice above.

    Actually the due diligence process is more complicated for companies with years of losses. It is not a gimme that HMRC will allow a new owner automatically to apply all the accrued losses to set off his Corporation Tax. Any buyer will want a statement of HMRC position.

    I will add one thing to what has been said so far. Buy nothing, sit back and enjoy the European Nations Tournament. After it there will be a surge in the merry-go-round of managers and players, even owners. If we have new ownership by then a surprisingly competent manager may be kicked out of his present post and fancy a crack at the Villa job. Not just the usual suspects in the dole cue mid-season.

    1. originallondonlion
      originallondonlion April 29, 2016 at 11:59 am . Reply

      Read ‘queue’ damned voice recognition app.

      1. Bum Bum
        Bum Bum April 29, 2016 at 11:57 pm . Reply

        That’s the issue. Bit paradoxical really, big companies are ‘meant’ or expected to have their accounts in order, but the state of th UK tax system alone simply encourages idiotic complexity. Again I appreciate it’s a bit different, but often when you buy property there’s a clause I there just in case of any ‘hidden delayed expenses’, but then again that’s what the lawyers have to guard against.
        P.s. Voice recognition???? You lazy git!!!(apologies in advance if you’re Steven Hawkins…).

    2. Hitchens 60
      Hitchens 60 April 29, 2016 at 3:16 pm . Reply

      Agree OLL – the buyer will need some comfort on the tax position. My understanding is that you can ‘acquire’ the benefit of genuinely incurred losses through normal trading operations but I’m no expert.

      I would also guess that there will be a lot of discussion around the valuation of the club as with losses the normal multiplier approach isn’t going to be relevant. I can only assume they will be paying for goodwill plus the assets of the club. Would love to be party to the discussions over the value of the balance sheet!

      One good thing is Steve Hollis has the perfect background and experience both to negotiate on price and to lead the dd on behalf of Lerner. Can you imagine Fox in that role!

  2. Hitchens 60
    Hitchens 60 April 29, 2016 at 2:22 pm . Reply

    And now N’Zogbia has dissed Shaun Teale on Twitter – outrageous coming from a bloke that can’t be bothered to get off his backside.

    I’m with Collymore on this one – just get rid of the fool now.

    1. Jvillan
      Jvillan April 29, 2016 at 2:36 pm . Reply

      What I don’t understand is why zog and rest of bomb squad were not made train morning ,afternoon and match days ,if they are getting paid surely they should have to clock in and out like rest of staff,there life should have been made a misery force them out,likewise Gabby when put on training program should set up t v cameras to film it,then he wouldn’t be able to party

      1. Hitchens 60
        Hitchens 60 April 29, 2016 at 3:51 pm . Reply

        Nor me JV – it’s like he’s been put on gardening leave and told not to come into the ‘office’. I can’t see why we couldn’t have terminated his contract as surely if he was then employed by another club the compensation payable would have been reduced accordingly?

        1. Saddened
          Saddened April 30, 2016 at 7:44 am . Reply

          Imagine that – gardening leave on 60k a week – Its what dreams are made of

  3. nath
    nath April 29, 2016 at 5:15 pm . Reply

    loads of topics :)) take over could take AGES. no manager until the takeover. not like we should rush, season almost over. lets sit back watch some proper footy with the euros. black still caretaker at pre season. with same crap players, minus the lucky few which can attract other options. looks like we should be favorites next season lmao for the drop to division 1

    p/s i reckon they start with insomnia against barcodes so the booboys can give his grief

    1. nath
      nath April 29, 2016 at 6:31 pm . Reply

      i like to take back my p/s statement about insomnia, he wants to hand over 2weeks wages should richards ask the dressing room, to help with the poor souls losing their livelihood.what a guy if only they all just put in the effort like they do tweeting,drinking and smoking we could av done a Leicester

  4. nath
    nath April 30, 2016 at 8:01 am . Reply

    no game preview :)) its like you all gave up

    oh i just red in the sun lerner gonna sell for 40mill as hes desperate. plus the buyers are being put off by the state of the club currently from top to bottom. sounds about right too me. lerner was holiday, the day they taught business and finances at his college. if i was the players i would make sure my pensions still intact ALLEGEDLY

    well i am gonna shock myself and my quack. iam gonna go with a villa 2 1 win at watford, not cos we will turn on the style, now the WEIGHTS lifted. but cos watford are nothing but a championship team, thats nothing to play for. so hopefully we will sneak a win, which the players owe the fans in one of the clubs WORST ever league campaigns

    GIDDYVILLAN April 30, 2016 at 10:38 am . Reply

    Maybe Lerner will do a Hayward & flog us for a quid,6 – 0 for me today & basically couldn’t give a fuck no different to the on the lash happy days 😀

  6. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson April 30, 2016 at 2:20 pm . Reply

    Villa to win, 3- 1 , I feel it in my water.

    1. nath
      nath April 30, 2016 at 2:28 pm . Reply

      i also feel it in my waters. think we should see the quack about this bill if we are wrong

      1. Bill Pearson
        Bill Pearson April 30, 2016 at 5:27 pm . Reply

        Nath, what’s the number for the Samaritans? …

        1. nath
          nath April 30, 2016 at 5:37 pm . Reply

          no worries, bill i will forward you the number, but i should wait alittle before you ring um. i think the operative committed hara-kiri after listening to me.

          how the hell we managed to lose that game is beyond me. i give up like the players most of the season

  7. nath
    nath April 30, 2016 at 2:30 pm . Reply

    Bunn (GK); Hutton, Lescott (c), Clark, Toner, Cissokho; Gueye, Westwood, Bacuna; Ayew, Gestede.
    Subs: Guzan (GK), Richards, Sinclair, Veretout, Sanchez, Gil, Grealish.

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