Di Matteo pretty much confirmed, along with Steve Clarke and Massimiliano Marchesi; POLL

It hasn’t been officially confirmed yet, but it seems certain that Roberto Di Matteo is our next manager, with Steve Clarke coming in as his number 2.
While RDM wouldn’t have been my first choice, I do think my reticence has been tempered by the appointment of Clarke and I’m hoping that they’ll make a good “good cop, bad cop” pairing, with Clarke kicking the backsides of some of the players; just as we all want.

Also interesting is the appointment of Massimiliano Marchesi as our new fitness trainer. Click on his name, if you want to see his CV as a PDF.
I can’t say I know anything about him, but he’s very highly rated, which is excellent because our fitness has been shocking for a while. I’d actually suggest that his appointment will be possibly the most important of the lot, as we all know how tough the Championship is and players really do have to be at their peak.
At the same time, we don’t want someone who will flog the players to death either, but I’m sure he’ll know what he’s doing.

It’s certainly a combination I can get behind, but sadly I can’t make any promises about going to many games, as my work commitments just won’t allow it.
Which all means it’s much more important how you fans who actually turn up to the games actually think and hence we have to have a vote for this one, don’t we?
I suspect I already know what sort of result we’ll get, but I’m intrigued anyway.

Now we’ve got this part of the jigsaw in place, I’d hope that things start to move pretty quickly and Dr Xia soon gets the nod for his takeover.
I’d like to see some player movement too, both in and out, but we have to consider that most players are contracted until the end of June, so the manager will have at least a month to play with. Hence you’d hope RDM will have been tracking players and will have been given detailed reports on some of our mob.
I can’t wait to see who leaves, (the odd few who are worth a place in the Prem, apart) and trust we’ll see at least a few of the troublemakers moved out.


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  1. Dave.C
    Dave.C June 3, 2016 at 6:56 pm . Reply

    I guess I’m splitting hairs really lads, he did play for Italy but was born in Switzerland, was his Dad Italian, surname would suggest so.

  2. Hitchens 60
    Hitchens 60 June 3, 2016 at 10:03 pm . Reply

    No formal announcement on Steve Clarke – would like to see that confirmed

  3. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson June 4, 2016 at 6:39 am . Reply

    For the boxing world, rip Muhammad , great sporting boxer. Sorry to bring it up on our football site but thought you’ll agree as a sport. He entertain fans.

    1. giddyvillan
      giddyvillan June 4, 2016 at 6:59 am . Reply

      Ditto Bill.

  4. pat57
    pat57 June 4, 2016 at 12:26 pm . Reply

    According to the E&S RDM has £50 million to play with.

    Although I was urging the club to buy in January I’m beginning to think that just throwing money at the problem might not help. We need to build a team from the bottom up and it might take a while.

    Then again I’m not the one who’ll get 2 million if we go up in a couple of years 🙂

    Anyway hope it’s true. It will be a mark of confidence in the new management team if nothing else.

    I’m hearing that Amavi might be off. While it has to be RDM’s first task to get the likes of Gabby, Lescott and the rest out of the door quickly I hope is second task will be persuading Amavi and perhaps Gil and Gana that they should stay.

    Haven’t mentioned Grealish. He should be Villa through and through and if he’s even entertaining any thought of leaving I’d ask Lescott to give him a lift out of VP in his supercar.


  5. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson June 4, 2016 at 5:34 pm . Reply

    Anyone that’s part of that coaching staff should go, Tony parks a goalkeeper coach that was one of our biggest problems? Get them out and get coaching staff that show grit? not yes men.

    1. Ardent Villain
      Ardent Villain June 4, 2016 at 7:38 pm . Reply

      Agree with Bill; the coaching has been proven to be woeful for the last few years and all those responsible should be given their P45’s.

  6. langfordvilla
    langfordvilla June 4, 2016 at 5:54 pm . Reply

    Just as I was saying the other day…..the takeover is almost complete!


    Looks like Samuelson will be the key to shifting money from China into the club. But as I pointed out previously, he has not been tried and convicted of anything remotely dodgy! On the other hand, there is a bloke called HITCHENS on the board…….make your own mind up on that one! 🙂

  7. OriginalLondonLion
    OriginalLondonLion June 4, 2016 at 6:04 pm . Reply

    I can’t think of any other European Cup/Champions League winning manager would would be willing to take on the shambolic players on our books after we nose-dived into the Championship. So Hello and Welcome RDM. However, I was at Wembley when you scored so just remember you start with negative credits in this house.

    Steve Clarke? Comical interviews on MOTD. I’ll give him the benefit of considerable doubt.

    I think we need an exorcist to cure BMH, but maybe our new fitness coach can get one from Rome at mates rates. At least he starts with an easy task, it would be impossible to do worse.

    I’m not ringing the cow-bells just yet, we have not signed or sacked anybody from the dressing room. I am not expecting to go straight back up.

  8. langfordvilla
    langfordvilla June 4, 2016 at 6:15 pm . Reply

    So RDM shouldnt have scored against us 16 years ago just in case he would one day be our manager…….are you for real?

    1. OriginalLondonLion
      OriginalLondonLion June 5, 2016 at 8:58 am . Reply

      No. A football fan and therefore illogical.

  9. OriginalLondonLion
    OriginalLondonLion June 4, 2016 at 6:33 pm . Reply

    Off Topic before the hard news starts.

    I am spending 3 days in Brum in July with my wife seeing the sights. I have promised her a visit to the best Balti House – if only I knew which it is. Recommendations please. Then another reco please for the best non-Indian restaurant in Brum.

    Thanks for you help.

    1. Ardent Villain
      Ardent Villain June 4, 2016 at 7:48 pm . Reply

      For non-Indian, I’d suggest Glynn Purnell’s Bistro in Newhall Street – it’s a bit less expensive and less formal than his ‘posh’ Michelin-starred place just around the corner, but the food is excellent and there’s a very relaxed atmosphere in the cocktail bar/lounge there.

      As for “Indian” – if you really have to have Balti then just head down the Stratford Road and ask the taxi driver for his recommendations… or if you want a really good ‘traditional’ Indian, IMHO the best one is a little place actually in Solihull ! [The Delhi – upstairs].

  10. Dave.C
    Dave.C June 4, 2016 at 7:12 pm . Reply

    It won’t take 3 days in Brum to see the sights, more like 3 hours!

  11. OriginalLondonLion
    OriginalLondonLion June 5, 2016 at 8:54 am . Reply

    Very many thanks to ArdentVillan, Badger and even DaveC. Were you ever a London Lion Dave C? You remind me of an old stalwart. We are interested in the metal-bashing business and Industrial Revolution history, so there may be 3 days worth of sights.

    I’ll take my chance with a balti on the Stratford Rd, it won’t bother the missus who comes from Thailand where an Ass-bestos is standard issue. The Purnell Bistro has been noted. Thanks again.

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