Why Lambert has to go

I have to come clean straight from the off and say something that involves the “F” word.

I’m Fickle.
There. I’ve said it.

Here’s the dictionary meaning of the word;

likely to change, especially due to caprice, irresolution, or instability; casually changeable:
fickle weather.
not constant or loyal in affections:
a fickle lover.

It’s a good description of me actually.
Well, at least the first part is.
The club are the best thing since sliced bread if we win and absolute proverbial if we lose, simple.
Particularly so when we lose as often as we have been lately.

The second part is total rubbish though and doesn’t apply at all.
I’ll never love another Football club and my ultimate loyalty overall will never change.

“Yeah, yeah, what the hell has this got to do with the Villa?”, I hear you ask.

The answer is that I, amongst many other Villa fans wanted Lambert after the disaster that we had previously as manager (that Spurs away game, shudder).
He seemed a reasonable choice at the time, with the way he had progressed through the leagues, having played some decent footy.

But now I’ve 100% changed my mind.

He’s proven to be a total failure in my opinion, even if you weigh up the constraints he’s been under.

Have we ever had a bit of luck under Lambert? I struggle to remember, but if you consider we haven’t, that tells you something in itself. “You make you own luck”, is an old saying and we’ve had next to none for ages.
He should quite simply be sacked, regardless of what you think of him, purely because of his actual record.
It’s not as though you can say “things are moving forward” either, can you?

Ok, you can cite the fact that we’ve played the top 6 teams from last season and it was always going to be difficult. But have we ever had to witness such dire footy to boot?
You have to go back to the 80’s for that.
We play rubbish, no plan B footy, which is boring to watch and is something the manager doesn’t know how to change. This isn’t going to alter, as Lambert’s attitude is seemingly not to lose the game and actually going out to win it is simply not in the mindset at all. This surely has to be an attitude that gets passed onto the players, to my mind.

I could possibly live with a period of austerity if we played proper footy.
The fact that we’ve had the austerity with utterly poor footy and only have the same to look forward to under the current manager tells anyone with half a brain that something needs to change.
We’re again under a serious threat of going down and crowds are only going to shrink, the way we’re going.

You only have to read the recent comments by the likes of JayDee, who has consistently been one of the most staunch supporters on here, to see where we’re headed.

As for the point that is often raised of which manager we should bring in; that’s not our job to choose, is it?

All I know is Doug Ellis would never have allowed Lambert to be here as long as he has been.
Which quite nicely leads back to me being fickle.
I never liked Ellis.
But I’d take him over what we have now.


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    GIDDYVILLAN November 11, 2014 at 8:05 pm . Reply

    Carnt remember reading it but then again I could of been pissed.

  2. fastjet81
    fastjet81 November 12, 2014 at 12:18 am . Reply

    So who’s everyone’s top choice for manager if Lambert does get the elbow?

    I’m prepared to be shot down, but how about McLaren ? Seems to have rebuilt his reputation since the “wally with the brolly” incident. Good tactician, doing well with Derby on a modest budget.

    Even though I admire what Pulis did at Stoke/Palace, the football wouldn’t be too different to what we see now, just more organised.

    1. Bum Bum Brick
      Bum Bum Brick November 12, 2014 at 3:01 am . Reply

      Haven’t got the foggiest. Who would really want to come and play in Lerner’s sandpit playing along with his rules? Nobody, that’s who. Any half/quarter decent manager will have his reputation destroyed by the constraints placed. Who the fuck does Lerner think he is that he can change the entire ethos of the footballing world with his plain stoopid “Let’s pay shit wages and everything will be fine” idea?
      If you were playing well at Villa, offered a pay rise to £30k a week, and someone offers you £55k, what the hell do you think you’d do?????? Lerner just wants his ‘investment’ to exist. It’s impossible for the club to achieve anything with lower league hopefuls and aging cripples. Especially with a completey tactically unaware Manager. Relegation, and the massive financial damage is exactly what Lerner deserves for his arrogance. And this time it’s looking more than ever likely. Incompetant. Deluded. Negligent. Arrogant. Destructive. Blinkered. Ignorant. Suicidal. Selfish. Mean. Insular. Weak. Spiteful.

    2. nath
      nath November 12, 2014 at 2:07 pm . Reply

      i agree with that, mclaron was my original choice before apparently he was rejected by most the fans, when news broke about villas interests, but apart from england job hes got a good record for playing decent football, hes a top coach also so makes big sense, he would improve the club from the youth to the 1st team. but would he want to come to a club in disarray, while his derby team could be premiership nxt year.

    #HELENIUS November 12, 2014 at 11:55 am . Reply

    I think Lambert should be sacked and we should let Bill “I’m never wrong” Pearson to choose the next manager.

    1. Bill Pearson
      Bill Pearson November 12, 2014 at 12:46 pm . Reply

      Welcome back Helenius, let you out the nursery early then. Good girl.

      1. nath
        nath November 12, 2014 at 1:50 pm . Reply

        billy you should concentrate on picking holes on what people post, instead of verbally abusing people for having anything but your views.

        before i head off, i saw some posts damning our midfield last week and i like 2 add its by far the best midfield and defense we have had under lambert, i think were villa fall short is crossing the ball, hammers had a bad game. but they crossed dangerous balls into our box where we never crossed one decent ball, its the responsibility on whom is in that area of the pitch, hammers had their fulback crossing most of theirs and chelsea also adopt same. i would like 2 know how many goals or created chances are done by the chelsea fullbacks, everytime i seen chelsea they are the most creative always overlapping or offering

        cleverly westwood and sanchez are looking better each game granted not the creative but they are solid and when the back line return its a solid spine, benteke and weiman will score goals if the team can learn 2 cross the ball

        1. Bill Pearson
          Bill Pearson November 12, 2014 at 2:34 pm . Reply

          Hi Nath, I know people take me the wrong way Nath, I do always look at two sides to any discussion, even what you’ve just intimated about our midfield, some would jump in and argue that assumption, but you well might be right, Lambert has put pressures on other players by his method, had he played wingers things might be different, as it is Nath we are now at a loss in what to do, players have now lost the will thinking what happens just happens, I don’t like people to think what I say goes, it does, 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

          1. Bill Pearson
            Bill Pearson November 12, 2014 at 2:36 pm . Reply

            Joke Nath..:-) 🙂

          2. nath
            nath November 12, 2014 at 3:10 pm . Reply

            i don’t mind different views my take on midfield isn’t correct in everyone’s opinion, maybe nobodies opinion but mine. but i see villa struggling at minute they are scared stiff is of making errors, against spurs they showed some good stuff in patches, but again end product was poor crossing right and left, but they were in positions of creation but over hit or just miss placed. at minute villa need a fluky win, a bit of luck or god forbid referee decision that goes our way FOR once.

            if villa can return to the back line of the first odd games and in-front cleverley westwood and sanchez keeps improving as he has game by game, but most of all benteke returns we will be fine. CROSSING thats wot i would get them doing in training, u don’t need accurate pin point crosses, any decent balls which gives benteke a chance of closing in on is a decent ball, the one that rebounded of the post in the spurs game was a ok ball, but benteke made it into a brilliant one almost, that was too far out but he made something from it

          3. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 3:34 pm . Reply

            You need width to put crosses in,Lambert seems to be playing straight down the middle.many commentators & pundits have pointed this out on many occasions & I suppose there the experts.so whilst under FUCK face forget the word WINGERS

          4. nath
            nath November 12, 2014 at 3:44 pm . Reply

            pick another team with wingers out and out wingers as u suggested the solution iam sure u can come up with a answer

          5. nath
            nath November 12, 2014 at 3:52 pm . Reply

            i aven’t seen a team play 442with two wingers this season, cardiff were trying last season, but most av 3 in midfield so playing 442 means getting out muscled in the middle. wingers like downing sterling are out and out winger correct but they also aren’t playing as wingers they are playing with a free role behind striker which usually a lone striker. the full backs are for some reason being the winger or width in most of the teams in premiership

          6. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 3:55 pm . Reply

            It’s seems like every team we play has width.

          7. Bill Pearson
            Bill Pearson November 12, 2014 at 3:59 pm . Reply

            Sorry been on the school run, that’s what I’m saying, this side to side ,back to defense gives team to rec cooperate, wouldn’t you say, wingers attack by beating the opposition either dribbling, or speed, they also draw players out from defence, now saying that ten to one two nice guys will make comment Bill knows best, I’d just like Lambert to change that team tactics, let’s find out, we are too obvious to other teams.

          8. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 4:02 pm . Reply

            Nath I’ll repeat myself we have no fucking width but other teams manage to find it I suggest you take it up with the experts cus I ain’t one & dam fucking sure you ain’t or have I missed something????

          9. nath
            nath November 12, 2014 at 4:05 pm . Reply

            last game was hammers, they didn’t play wingers. they had jenkinson and cresswell the width, but villa coped with that and they made alterations moving downing out wide late on second half . but drowning lol was playing a free role in behind the striker a position hes played all season. as for us we aren’t creating cos our fullbacks are poor at crossing.

            somebody can show the stats from that game they crossed at guess 40 pluss crosses 2 ours about 10 and all our was rubbish, even corners ours are none dangerous hammers had 10 corners in first half alone but they were poor hammers ltr in second half they improved the crosses but i think this is were we need vast improvements cos when benteke returns he needs sumat 2 feed on

          10. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 4:10 pm . Reply

            Who’s he going to feed off the mighty gabby if he decides to turn up or weimann Mr hit & miss???

          11. nath
            nath November 12, 2014 at 4:13 pm . Reply

            look i aint arguing with you, thou i love a verbal or fisticuffs, i agree the width is poor at villa iam not blind but the reason is not cos we aren’t playing wingers its cos we aren’t crossing decent balls or working decent positions, our systems are not too different to many or all its just we are messing up in the final third and we have width but its poor

          12. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 4:18 pm . Reply

            Albrighton poor business imo unfortunately he got greedy.we’ll never argue mate your my mucker. 😀

          13. nath
            nath November 12, 2014 at 4:22 pm . Reply

            wieman gabby and nozog are the free man if u like the chelsea equivalent’s is william hazzard and oscar villa players are not playing the system at all well watch the chelsea ones they track all the way back 2 fullback they press they create and the score

            u can do same with hammers and pool everton and list goes on

          14. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 4:27 pm . Reply

            So what your saying is there not doing the job expected of them???sounds plausible ain’t that down to the manager????

          15. nath
            nath November 12, 2014 at 4:27 pm . Reply

            i don’t know how 2 fix it playing two wingers like u say might but then u look at cardiff they were trying 2 play that system they were poor reason for this was you lose out in the middle of midfield in face spurs were playing that system last season also they also were caught out in the big games in the middle

          16. nath
            nath November 12, 2014 at 4:30 pm . Reply

            i hate assigning blame but reasons we aren’t scoring is really poor crossing thats the fullbacks midfielders and the 3 freefloaters behind the striker and also coaching and managment

          17. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 4:37 pm . Reply

            I still believe we’re lacking in the middle Sanchez is a DM I gather ,I’m hoping he’ll flourish signs are looking good not a big fan of Westwood as for Delph I’d say he’s gone in January.cleverly has his moments certainly I feel a good transfer window would do us good with the midfield being paramount,could be totally wrong though.

          18. nath
            nath November 12, 2014 at 4:44 pm . Reply

            yeah we are lacking from middle but not more than lacking creating the 3 midfielders sanchez cleverley and westwood i think can do the job delph is a big dissapointment but i don’t care go for me, we get him recognized and he shows his loyalties.

            sanchez is a holding midfielder in south america but hes got more skill than cleverley and westwood and in fact could be better than delph who always has a scholes tackle in him

          19. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 4:55 pm . Reply

            Same here concerning delph thanks for the chat mate back to the grind for me.UTV

          20. nath
            nath November 12, 2014 at 4:57 pm . Reply

            me2 i only popped on = 1 comment lol ltrs

          21. DSVilla
            DSVilla November 12, 2014 at 6:36 pm . Reply

            Interesting debate this. I watched the Liverpool Chelsea game the other day, and the ex-players on the TV were pointing out that Liverpool have started to play sideways and backwards, rather than looking forward every time they get the ball. They are afraid to make mistakes and low on confidence, so take the safe route. Sound familiar? At Villa, the lack of footballing ability in Agbonlahor and Weimann just makes it even worse. There were signs against Spurs that Benteke was returning to decent form, and at times we looked much more positive and dangerous. Maybe things will gradually change once his suspension is over.

            The trouble is that we need to shake out of this now, not in a month. I just don’t have any faith that Lambert can help us do this. I think he has lost his nerve, and not playing Grealish is just a symptom of that.

          22. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 6:47 pm . Reply

            Grealish yes we can all see this but that 4 eyed prick carnt.

    GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 1:12 pm . Reply

    Helenius VILLA flop very apt username keep up the good work.

    1. Bill Pearson
      Bill Pearson November 12, 2014 at 1:36 pm . Reply

      Giddy that thought had crossed my mind, have you noted he or she pops in insults and disappear, just like his name sake.

        GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 1:43 pm . Reply

        Never saw him mate & what I’ve heard I missed FUCK all.

        1. DSVilla
          DSVilla November 12, 2014 at 6:38 pm . Reply

          Now you two are just being mean. Helenius has a different point of view to most on here, and I think that’s a good thing. If we all agree with each other it’s all a bit pointless. Feel free to disagree!!!

          1. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 6:41 pm . Reply

            I disagree 😀

  5. bencey83
    bencey83 November 12, 2014 at 6:36 pm . Reply

    Does anyone actually want Lambert to stay at the moment? Can we have a poll?

      GIDDYVILLAN November 12, 2014 at 6:44 pm . Reply

      Bencey I wish he’d FUCK OFF or get fucked off that’s my vote.

    2. badger123
      badger123 November 12, 2014 at 6:47 pm . Reply

      Bencey, I’m on it.

  6. badger123
    badger123 November 12, 2014 at 6:46 pm . Reply

    Hmm, that was an interesting debate lads.

    I’m very minded to agree that our lack of creativity is demonstrated mostly through our lack of successful crossing.

    But come on, I used to play left wing as a kid.
    And even though I was crap, I could at least put the ball in the box, with decent pace and at a decent height; which at least gave the attackers a chance, more often than not.

    Of course, I appreciate that at the top level, you get closed down a million miles faster.
    But the only conclusion I can draw from our players is if they can’t get the ball in the danger area, they simply aren’t good enough!

    You can argue the nuances all day long, but that’s simply what it boils down too, imo.

    Personally, I think there’s more to it than that though and I suspect it’s more about the mindset of the players; something that’s been bought on by Lambert. The whole attitude is about “don’t concede”.
    And that’s why he has to go.
    He won’t be able to change this and will NEVER be able to move us forward.
    He’s a busted flush down the Villa, imo.

    1. New Regime
      New Regime November 12, 2014 at 6:53 pm . Reply

      Bollocks pal.

      The whole mindset bit doesn’t even play a part and there’s no point blaming the players. We have a manager who hasn’t got a fucking clue what he’s doing. He doesn’t even know what a mindset is. Have you heard the mans press conferences?

  7. New Regime
    New Regime November 12, 2014 at 6:46 pm . Reply

    At any other club, with the results we’ve had to bear witness to over the last 3 years and the unwanted records broken, would have sacked Lambert a long time ago. Unfortunately we have an owner who doesn’t want to pay out on a early contract break and equally doesn’t want to pay out bigger on a manager worth anything.

    Lambert should never of even had a renewal in the first place. How coud he have possbily merited it?? It’s all completely bananas at the Villa right now. We have a good team on paper who could and should be at least top half but the man in the dug out is cocking it all up.

    I remember there was talk of a plan, a project when Lambert arrived…I can’t even remember what that project was now. Young and Hungry we were told, lower wages, clear out the deadwood. All that died a quick death now didn’t it.

    The last window saw the ‘bomb squad’ reinstalled and the likes of Richardson, Senderos and Joe Cole as new arrivals.

    The owners must think the we’re a bunch of mugs. Our club is the laughing stock of the PL.

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