Where are we heading now?

stoke city 2-1 aston villa all goals and… by RapidGoals

I didn’t get to see today’s game, as I had to work, so I’ve been nosing around the various Villa blogs (including this one of course), to try and get a feel of what the fans thought.

It doesn’t make for very pleasant reading, with what seems like a large majority calling for Lerner, Lambert, the background staff and even the tea lady to be sacked.
Ok, I’m joking about the tea lady, but you get the point, I’m sure.

Which is something I find quite strange, as I’ve made the point before, but I just don’t get the same impression when I’m actually watching a game in the Holte end.
The hardcore are still very strongly supportive.

So what’s going on?
It seems there’s a very strong groundswell of blog readers, who have come to the conclusion over various lengths of time that Lambert just isn’t up to the job.
The reasons are varied, but range from poor tactics, poor substitutions, poor signings and recently, suggestions of poor motivation and man-management with high profile players.
Steven Ireland’s transformation as soon as he left springs to mind, here.

While there may well be mitigating circumstances, I tend to think that when a manager is accused of being poor in all areas, there may just be something in the accusations.
But that’s just my opinion.

So, it appears the fans on the terraces are reasonably happy.
Well, probably not happy, but still willing to give Lambert a chance. Which is fair enough.

But how long will it be before things change?
Will the fans on the terraces accept defeat against Palace? Against Swansea?
Both of these are at home, remember.

Here’s the next few fixtures in the next month;

Premier League

Aston Villa V Crystal Palace
Thu 26 Dec 15:00
Premier League

Aston Villa V Swansea
Sat 28 Dec 15:00
January 2014

Premier League

Sunderland V Aston Villa
Wed 1 Jan 15:00

FA Cup – Third Round

Aston Villa V Sheff Utd
Sat 4 Jan 15:00
Premier League

Aston Villa V Arsenal
Mon 13 Jan 20:00
Premier League

Liverpool V Aston Villa
Sat 18 Jan 17:30

How many points from that lot?
I genuinely couldn’t venture the slightest guess, as we’re capable of losing to anyone, but the optimist in me sees at least 6 out of 15.
Would that be enough to keep the stalwarts off Lambert’s back?
I’m personally not convinced it would.

Of course we could go on a run and rack up a few points, but does anyone really think that’s likely, given the performances of late, coupled with the notion that Lambert’s luck may have run out?

Our best bets for points come in the first three games and only the most optimistic would bet on us getting a result against Arsenal or Pool.

So for argument’s sake, what happens if we only gain a point or two in those first three games?
While most of us already believe we’ll spend next to nothing in the window, what would Lerner do after a poor run?
Help the manager out with some decent money, albeit probably for loan signings?
Or pull the plug entirely?

It could get interesting.

I saw a statistic today, that I can’t confirm, but it said under Lambert, we’ve won 15 games in 55.

Is that really good enough?


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  1. Bill Pearson.
    Bill Pearson. December 21, 2013 at 9:13 pm . Reply

    Badger I’ve just replied to Oohah the man is a buffoon, if the holte enders want to act like sheep and follow a set crowd that’s their rights, the writings on the wall at Villa and I don’t like what I see, the minority has now became majority hes out of his depth, we do have to change by paying wages, we do have to get experience in the team, he knew that 6 months ago but played the big I am, its getting bad now time for Lerner to be realistic in English game and pay up.

  2. Morgan Villa
    Morgan Villa December 21, 2013 at 9:21 pm . Reply

    I sit in the holte and fans are turning, if we don’t beat Palace then that will seal Lamberts fate. In fact most of those around me and when I went to get a tea at HT most fans were saying the players are awful. A lot of fans have turned on Benteke as well

    1. Morgan Villa
      Morgan Villa December 21, 2013 at 9:29 pm . Reply

      Sorry on my phone most fans are getting sick of it and questioning decisions, tactics, players and the elusive owner. Personally I think Lerner has failed whether or not he has set out with the best of intentions. The football this season is so bad I question the waste of time and money every Saturday on my long journey home from Villa Park.

    2. Bill Pearson.
      Bill Pearson. December 21, 2013 at 9:33 pm . Reply

      Morgan villa I can well understand it, only today I spoke to a lot of Villa fans they all say the same, this is not Aston Villa, and we not got to except it, Lerner has to intervene for our sake,we have kids trying to do what men have to do in the game, the ddon’t have that bottle.

  3. Markham
    Markham December 21, 2013 at 10:03 pm . Reply

    I’m giving lambert the palace game, we must win and win in style , not a laboured win , anything but and he simply must go !
    Then we try again for ole gunner solsjaer befor he takes the Albion job , if Lerner had anything about him he would of put a call in already , rumour has it there’s a lot of unrest in that camp and this time maybe he would come .
    Lambert I’m afraid is inept , any way you look at it , signings , tactics and an abysmal home form !

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath December 21, 2013 at 10:09 pm . Reply

      Like to see lamberk go but wouldn’t be happy with ogs. At least lambert was a bit proven with one year in top flight ogs has done well in a Mickey Mouse league and that’s it. He will also be like houllier was and will have a wank fest over utd at every interview forget it.

      1. Markham
        Markham December 21, 2013 at 10:20 pm . Reply

        Go on then who’s your shout ???????

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath December 21, 2013 at 10:35 pm . Reply

          I would like someone like AVB but with someone like Clarke who I think is better as a num 2 and by all accounts a top class defensive coach. We also need a houllier type figure that has top contacts across Europe. The good thing with AVB is he’s already managed a sky 4 club and a top london team and has made his his mistakes with them rather than with us. Also he will have a huge point to prove.

          1. mark
            mark December 21, 2013 at 10:46 pm . Reply

            We are not big enough right now to attract AVB. Milan are interested in him.

            We would be lucky to get Malkay Mackay. We have to face facts, we are not an attractive proposition at the moment. We are a bit of a poisoned chalice

          2. Markham
            Markham December 21, 2013 at 11:01 pm . Reply

            Avb lol, he may of just been sacked by spurs but he can do a lot better than us at the moment !

  4. COE1982
    COE1982 December 21, 2013 at 10:18 pm . Reply

    We cannot blame Lerner for the appointment of Lambert we can only blame ourselves… It was us fans that sang his name when he was still Norwich manager on the last game of 2011/12. I am totally disillusioned with Villa at the moment and hate attending games, somethings got to change!

    1. Morgan Villa
      Morgan Villa December 21, 2013 at 10:33 pm . Reply

      Lerner appointed MON who lost the plot with the cheque book, he appointed Houllier who left due to ill health that had occurred in a previous job. Lerner appointed McCleish and Lerner has also made the final decision to appoint Lambert. These are a list of errors our chairman has made. Incompetence at its absolute worst

      1. mark
        mark December 21, 2013 at 10:38 pm . Reply

        Doug Ellis appointed MON not RL

        1. Morgan Villa
          Morgan Villa December 21, 2013 at 10:41 pm . Reply

          I stand corrected but he did give him the open cheque book

          1. mark
            mark December 21, 2013 at 11:04 pm . Reply

            RL trusted MON and put all his eggs in one basket and we missed out on the CL places. Better to have loved and lost
            OK we are paying for it now big time…..

  5. Markham
    Markham December 21, 2013 at 10:42 pm . Reply

    Is there anybody on here who thinks lambert is the future ? He’s not totally to blame , Lerner must take some responsibility but surely we’ve seen enough , I’m a season ticket holder and our home record is simply shite , tonev , Westwood , Bowery , Bennett all shit oh and elmohamady

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath December 21, 2013 at 10:45 pm . Reply

      He is def not the future but then we have no say in who is. If lambert went then who would we get. Malkie mackay, holloway etc. A half decent manager won’t come our way unless we show ambition and spend millions. It ain’t gonna happen.

      1. mark
        mark December 21, 2013 at 10:52 pm . Reply

        Martin Laursen i would give a throw of the dice. I think he is gonna be some serious management material. He would proper firm up the defence. Yes it’s a risk but we aint gonna get anyone better who understands what AV is all about

        Not sure if he has his A/B coaching licenses though.

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath December 21, 2013 at 11:03 pm . Reply

          Hmmm think laursan is a case if heart ruling head tbh. We need someone that’s been tested at the highest levels not someone who will learn on the job at our expense.

          1. mark
            mark December 21, 2013 at 11:10 pm . Reply

            OGS is not tried and tested
            who are we realistically going to get?

            I would love to see a wildcard like Glenn Hoddle. Ask most professionals who played under him and they will say what undervalued manager he is. We got Houlier from the football knackers yard so why not Hoddle!!! 🙂

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath December 22, 2013 at 10:35 am . Reply

              Hoddles been out of it too long and has a cushy job talking bollocks of an auto cue on tv

  6. Benno
    Benno December 21, 2013 at 10:51 pm . Reply

    We are going nowhere, that’s the problem. Take away Benteke (when on form) and we are no better than the day Lambert took over.

    Anything but a win against Palace and he should be fired. He has 15 months to make this his team…and lets be honest, its shit.

    1. Mark
      Mark December 21, 2013 at 10:55 pm . Reply

      Agreed, I hate to say it but agreed. Lost patience. I don’t even want to go on boxing day, trying to look for excuses not to go

  7. Bencey83
    Bencey83 December 21, 2013 at 11:13 pm . Reply

    Unbelievable defending for both goals again! So disappointed with Baker this season. And Herd will never be a defender. What is going on?! Fair play to Kozak, he keeps on scoring…

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath December 22, 2013 at 10:36 am . Reply

      Baker just not good enough makes to many errors. Problem is who else is there

  8. Bencey83
    Bencey83 December 21, 2013 at 11:15 pm . Reply

    Stoke won’t go down because their home form is good. We are going to struggle because ours is very poor and now our away form is following suit. Will we recover from this bad run of form this time? I’m not sure Benteke is going to save us!

  9. Deferenz
    Deferenz December 21, 2013 at 11:33 pm . Reply

    I’m a season ticket holder, and I’ve honestly had enough. It hurts to do it but I really do not want to put in any more effort when the club dishes up one terrible performance after another.

    The cost of my two season tickets, cost of fuel, cost of food and drink, and the cost of merchandise all add up to a fair bit of wedge. Not to mention I have a six hour round trip as I live in West Sussex and so each game takes out a whole day.

    It’s a long journey home when we loose, but it’s even longer and more depressing when I think of how we lost.

    Every game I go to brings out my optimism that perhaps this time we will play well. Only to have my hopes ripped out from me when we are once again served up a performance that would look shocking even in the Northen Conference league. How have we fallen so low?

    Aston Villa is in my blood,I can never be free of it, but right now it mocks me. It’s like the perfect girlfriend you have just found out is cheating on you. It hurts and leaves you numb.

    I used to love going up to the games. Now each game seems like a bad dream and I no longer want to go. Sad times…

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath December 22, 2013 at 10:39 am . Reply

      Fair play for making such an effort shame Lerner hasn’t got the same attitude. Very frustrating at vp at the moment lambert and Lerner must go for us to move forward again. Next season if Lerner and lamberk are still here I’d save your money and time and have a nice holiday instead.

  10. mark
    mark December 21, 2013 at 11:54 pm . Reply

    I admire your dedication mate. I struggle to go and I live 15 minutes from aston station on the cross city line!

    But lets face it Villa may be your perfect girlfriend who is cheating on you but she is also your dirty little secret when we win!!

    Fuck it we are gonna hammer Palace on boxing day. Get the car full of fuel and get your ass up from sussex as its gonna be worth it – come on!!!

  11. tom
    tom December 22, 2013 at 12:21 am . Reply

    Lets show abit of ambition. I say get rafa benitez in asap. Give him abit of money and then manage on 15m max per window after. Benotez is massivley under rated

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath December 22, 2013 at 10:43 am . Reply

      Tom I’d love to see Benitez here he would definitely get us there or there abouts again. Problem is he was considered after houllier but wanted to much money to spend and would want paying big wages so Lerner passed on him. If we got RB and gave him say £50 m he could def take us into top 6 again IMO.

  12. giddyvillan
    giddyvillan December 22, 2013 at 7:09 am . Reply

    Fuck lambert off i personally atm carn’t see us getting another point in the months to come.collymore quote ‘villa are not a threat to any of the pl teams’doesn’t that just about sum it up.im fucking disgusted & won’t line lerners pocket anymore until things are changed.this is one well & truely fucked off fan & my posts will reflect that.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath December 22, 2013 at 10:45 am . Reply

      I think we will beat palace to be fair. Anything less than a convincing win and the holte have to call for his head IMo. Maybe if they start singing for mcjeish Lerner will take notice.

        GIDDYVILLAN December 22, 2013 at 11:13 am . Reply

        I fucking hope so mate because im well pissed off with the state of affairs at present.

        1. GIDDYVILLAN
          GIDDYVILLAN December 22, 2013 at 11:17 am . Reply

          Ooha fuck knows why my username has become capital letter i haven’t instructed the details to.

          1. Bill Pearson.
            Bill Pearson. December 22, 2013 at 11:41 am . Reply

            Looks good though giddy. 🙂

          2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
            OohAhPaulMcGrath December 22, 2013 at 12:52 pm . Reply

            No idea either prob a glitch in wp. Trying signing out and back in again.

  13. Villan1
    Villan1 December 22, 2013 at 8:50 am . Reply

    I want Lamberk out as much as anyone but come on some of the names mentioned on here: AVB and Benitez, simply crazy, these managers will not work on the peanuts and wage restrictions Lerner has in place.
    We’d be lucky to anyone decent, I noticed Ralf Rangnick has been linked to the Baggies job, I’d go and get him. Very organised and good record with signings. An experienced head to tide us through the mess Lamberk has created but I’m not sure we’d even get him atm.

  14. wittonryan
    wittonryan December 22, 2013 at 8:50 am . Reply

    If we did change manger, that means the club would need to change the young hungry bull crap, Lerner will not sack Lambert as he does not want to invest any real cash into us wich ever way you look at it ,,,out with the old in with new is going to cost Lerner money, he does not want that.

    1. BWS
      BWS December 22, 2013 at 9:38 am . Reply

      Spot on Ryan, as shit as Lambert is it’s the Lerner / Fatty Faulkner show that’s behind Villa’s demise with this penny pinching tight-arsed transfer policy that’s dressed up and spun out ‘Young and Hungry’ bullshit where in reality its simply cheap players on low wages, nothing more nothing less.
      Listening to Steve ( Potato Head) Bruce on MOTD this morning talking about the amount of quality WBA had on the bench and were able to bring on to change the game, he then added well that’s what you get when you’ve spent 5 years in the premier league (by that he meant with premier league money coming in ) so just what is our excuse for having a collection of championship players with 21 years in the EPL?

      Doug, Randy any answers?

      1. Bill Pearson.
        Bill Pearson. December 22, 2013 at 10:38 am . Reply

        Well its now upto the fans to start making waves, poster have to come out and start letting the club know all is not well with the fans, simple if fans ignore games, merchandise, its got to hurt the club, you only have to look at boxes emptying by the dozens, you cannot sit and take it no more, my 4 seats will not be renewed for next season I don’t even want to go no more cannot take all the shit give in the name of football.

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath December 22, 2013 at 10:49 am . Reply

      This young hungry bollocks is propaganda from the club. Even when utd have top quality youngsters like Giggs etc they were still surrounded by top experienced pros that helped bring them on like robson, Hughes, pallaster, Bruce and strachen etc. Our youngsters are nowhere near that utd crop in terms of quality so without senior pros like Barry to help bring them on this is as good as it gets.

  15. ianrobo
    ianrobo December 22, 2013 at 10:11 am . Reply

    changing the manager will not do a single thing at all, why would it ?

    Blame Benteke but when you are playing with the likes of Westwood, KEA, Lowton, Clark, Baker, Luna then there is only so far that you can drag the dross up.

    HairyHands on Villatalk seems to be someone people think has info and Lerner’s wage ceiling is 20k a week, To put that into perspective the young lad at West Brom was given more than that after only playing a few games as he is seen as a major talent.

    you could give any manager the wage ceiling Lambert at and tied to the expectation of the fans and they would struggle. Some may mention Swansea in this respect but there are always exceptions.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath December 22, 2013 at 10:56 am . Reply

      How can wage ceiling be £20k when benteke weimann renewed for a lot more than that? I agree with you that even mourinho wouldn’t do much better with our team tbh. There is no quality whatsoever. However if you take out the 2 lucky wins v city and saints lamberk would be on his bike now as we’d be in bottom 3-4. These are still lambert signings and I know for an absolute fact we had the money to get Barry and he wanted to come but lambert didn’t even consider it. I was told by ex villa player in the 80s still connected with the club so def true.

      1. ianrobo
        ianrobo December 22, 2013 at 12:32 pm . Reply

        the key comment is ‘renewed’ they were all brought in at the wage ceiling or below.

        As to Barry stop being fooled by people, the money was not there, the policy is young and cheap and that is someone spinning against Lambert.

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath December 22, 2013 at 12:56 pm . Reply

          Maybe but I heard Barry on incredibly reliable source so trust me on that one.

          1. ad84
            ad84 December 22, 2013 at 2:56 pm . Reply

            The Barry story is true, I heard he was offered to us and wanted to come but PL refused because of his age……clueless!

        2. jaymo83
          jaymo83 December 23, 2013 at 1:30 am . Reply

          Ianrobo this is a lie. i know for a fact the info you have been given is untrue sorry mate. there are wage restrictions in place but, for example, Vlaar, Betake and KEA all came in on more than £20k

  16. villa4me
    villa4me December 22, 2013 at 10:25 am . Reply

    If you honestly think lerner is gonna sack the manager then your dreaming. I quote “we have had to srtip the club right back” is a quote lambert used only recently. There is not a chance in hell lambert will be sacked.

    as fans we have a choice… attend games, back the club with whole hearted support during games no matter howits going OR simply stay away and listen on the radio etc where, at least the money outlay is at a minimum

    lerner knows that supporter unrest is inevitable and expects asmuch.. he would remember the mcckeish era at the club im sure.

    the facts are…… nothing is going to change in the medium term no matter what us fans say or do.. yes we may see lambert go in a couple of seasons but only to be replaced with an equal with the strict rules.

    as ive said before as fans we have a choice.. its your individual choice which you take.

    lerner may have cut the rope etc… but im glad hes not a Mr Tann or like the blues owners etc

    1. BWS
      BWS December 22, 2013 at 11:01 am . Reply

      Villa4me sorry mate but you are buying into the bullshit, there is more than enough money coming into Villa it’s just Randy chooses not to spend it.
      Ok there was over spend during the MON era but who’s faults that? And why must it be paid back asap?
      This it’s a business argument don’t cut it with me either, the Villa is more than just a business and if Lerner thinks of like that the sooner he f**ks off the better.
      Sustainability my arse, more a cash cow.

      1. villa4me
        villa4me December 22, 2013 at 11:40 am . Reply

        BWS im not buying into anything mate… but the facts are there plain and simple. Lerner is doing what hes doing. ive accepted the fact that were not gonna challenge top4 for a while so ive made my decision to support the club from afar. I still get down and peed off with the way we play and certain results etc though

        if you choose to still attend games that’s totally your choice my man

        1. BWS
          BWS December 22, 2013 at 3:28 pm . Reply

          Pick and choose mate, if the price is right!

          1. Andrew
            Andrew December 22, 2013 at 3:39 pm . Reply

            But Lerner’s spent closer to 50m Euros since Lambert’s been at Villa Park. That’s 3, yes… 3 transfer windows. So Lerner’s spending money, Lerner has always spent money. Villa making a profit on player sales doesn’t happen, and probably won’t under Lerner because he does in fact back his Manager’s. Now what Lambert does with it is completely his fault. He claims there was no money but facts prove that there was money.

          2. BWS
            BWS December 22, 2013 at 4:21 pm . Reply

            Andrew who ever, what ever something is seriously seriously wrong at VP. Shite players, shite football = shite performance, so who’d you blame mate?
            For me after the MON era we’ve been blown about like a rudderless ship in a storm with no captain at the helm and that my friend MUST be down to Lerner. He’s the man that ultimately calls the shots and 50m of Mickey mouse money on Mickey mouse players? Lerner at the end of the day sanctioned Lambert’s Aldi spending spree.

  17. Foxy
    Foxy December 22, 2013 at 12:25 pm . Reply

    I’ve stuck something on the previous thread about Lerner. Maybe it’s wishful thinking but I don’t think Lerner is a bad owner but is (incredibly and expensively) misguided. We need to know his intentions with the club. What if he said he was getting the club on a firm financial standing, removing debt first, and then the investment will come? I don’t know if other clubs in similar situation to ours (i.e. with a ground that isn’t worth anything in terms of knocking it down and building expensive houses) have tried to remove their debt and reset their finances while staying in the PL but if so, how have they done it without a very very rich owner coming in and paying it all off?

    A couple of months ago I said we should wait to see what the situation was with Lambert at Christmas. I think the situation is plainly obvious. We’ll have to see what the January window brings and then who knows? Sack Lambert and bring back Bent and Ireland, after all Lerner paid for Bent to rescue us in a January window when we were screwed and not scoring? I almost said reinstate Hutton at RB but there is a line…

  18. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee December 22, 2013 at 12:51 pm . Reply

    I hope for Lamberts sake we beat Palace and Swans as we are already in the bottom part of the table with tough fixtures to come.I really want success at AVFC but you can’t do it on the cheap…..UTV

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath December 22, 2013 at 12:57 pm . Reply

      Unless villa have a man city type takeover we will never taste success again I’m afraid. This is modern football at its worse. Even if lambert signed a couple of world class players in jan they would not e around long enough for us to rebuild. Benteke is surely of in jan and good riddance IMO

      1. Andrew
        Andrew December 22, 2013 at 3:30 pm . Reply

        I told you Kozak would come good. 😉

        Now just imagine if we had a team that actually attacked. He’d be Benteke part 2 from last season.

        1. suffolkavfc
          suffolkavfc December 22, 2013 at 4:27 pm . Reply

          A goal handed on a plate – Hardly come good. Although he is probably one of the best from a terribly poor bunch

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