Villa – Boro; Nervous ain’t the word

A massive game tonight then and I’m really tense.
We all know what it means to the club if we don’t get promoted and I’m definitely not in the camp that says we might be better doing another season in the Championship.
It’s definitely going to be a tougher league next season, for a start, with Swansea, Stoke and Albion in there too.
No, we need promotion if it’s at all possible.

I’m feeling reasonably confident about this game, but there’s always the nagging doubt that Boro are very capable of getting the first goal from a set-piece, just the same as we did against them.
Even then, I’d expect us to get at least a draw at home to Boro and that would be enough, but it’d make for nervous watching.

Squad news and the only change on our part is Bree coming in for Elmohamady, which is no surprise.
Likewise, Boro have only made the one change, with Ayala out injured and replaced by Dael Fry. Assombalonga keeps his place after being slaughtered by his own fans after Saturday’s game.

So I’m reasonably confident then, but you never know.
Traore is again the big question mark for me and I wonder how we’re going to handle him?
Can Hutton shackle him as well as he did in the last game?
If I was Pulis, I’d give him a totally free role across the front with the expectation that he’ll pull Hutton all over the place.
Which means Bree will have to be on top of his game in keeping an eye on what’s happening.
But what do I know?

There’s been the suggestion that Boro will let us concentrate on Traore, while Pulis has some other plan based around that.

Whatever, I’m looking forward to what should be a great game with a full house roaring us on.
And I’m going for a low scoring game.
1-1 it is.



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  1. Holte66
    Holte66 May 15, 2018 at 7:45 pm . Reply

    Gestede on bench

  2. Holte66
    Holte66 May 15, 2018 at 8:37 pm . Reply

    Not pretty. We seem to be set more on defending the lead. Getting too deep as well.

  3. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 May 15, 2018 at 8:40 pm . Reply

    OK but not reassuring. Worried we don’t know whether to try and defend the advantage or attack which means we are sitting deeper and Grabben is becoming isolated with us reporting to too many long balls

  4. DSVilla
    DSVilla May 15, 2018 at 9:16 pm . Reply

    Bamford will give us problems like last match. We need a goal to help ease the nerves – players and fans.

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