Villa 4-2 Birmingham; The city is still ours!

So after wasting a couple of hours looking for a Christmas tree (that we didn’t get!), here’s my thoughts;

I’m going to look past some major problems at first and say that this was a cracking win.
After going one down, I thought we did well to get back into that after having lots of possession, but not being able to do anything with it.
The team spirit seems really good and the manager seems to have an attitude where, “it’s not a problem, we can outscore them”.
Which is so refreshing. If we were playing that game under Bruce, I’ve no doubt we’d have crumpled under a constant barrage of attacks, while sitting back and trying to catch them.

It’s blatantly obvious to anyone that our attacking threat majorly outweighs our defence, which leaves us with the only option where we have to go for the jugular.
We’ve known it for ages and Dean Smith obviously agrees, given his subs.
So it amazes me that Bruce didn’t or just refused to see it.
I’m not happy to say it, as I liked Bruce, but frankly I’m glad he’s gone.

So while it was a cracking win, in analysing the game, you can’t really say it was a good one.
I know, I’m moaning, but we have to look at what went wrong too.

Nyland has to be replaced as soon as possible. I actually thought he was doing ok up until the first goal, where he just went missing. I’ve tried not to complain about him up till now, but he’s had plenty of time to settle, yet still looks a massive liabilty at what should be staightforward stuff.

What’s up with Chester? He too looked mostly ok, but his lapses in concentration are shocking and he gave the ball away far too easily at times.

We missed McGinn’s energy big time today and were humping long balls upfield, to little effect. It just shows how important he is to us, as without him, there’s no real outlet in the middle.
Grealish often came deep to try and take on that mantle, but I really don’t think that’s his game.

We look seriously dodgy at any set piece and that’s a worry.
But it’s nothing we didn’t already know.
What surprised me was that blues didn’t try more of the ball down the middle, that we know we’re also susceptible to.
Fair play to blues, they tried to play proper footy, I thought.

But enough of the criticism, as today was all about the result.
We got it, quite convincingly in the end, with some of the noses leaving with more than 10 minutes to go.
Which I thought was poor, given that they had put up a pretty decent show.

That win puts us up to 8th, where suddenly our next fixtures don’t look nearly as daunting as they did a few weeks back. Our confidence must be growing all the time.
Dean Smith won’t be happy with the performance and indeed he’s said as much.
But he knows where our weaknesses are by now and will surely be looking to improve us in the January window.

It bodes well when we have a manager that can genuinely see our strengths and weaknesses and won’t need to splash stupid amounts of money on risky ageing players.
And it also bodes well that we’re winning games without playing particularly well.


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  1. Sidforever
    Sidforever November 25, 2018 at 4:10 pm . Reply

    Life just gets better and better under Dean Smith.
    Well done you Villa boys.

  2. Originallondonlion
    Originallondonlion November 25, 2018 at 5:29 pm . Reply

    The first big question now answered. ‘After Derby could we do it again?’ Yes we could. Confidence has improved both on and off the pitch.

  3. Holte66
    Holte66 November 25, 2018 at 5:54 pm . Reply

    Credit to Dean Smith and his team for turning the same bunch of players players inherited from Bruce and showing positivity in his selections and substitutions. He puts players in their favoured positions and when he takes off a striker or midfielder he doesn’t replace them with a defensive minded player like Bruce used to. He has told Grealish to push further forward and look what happens, goals and assists. I’m sure Terry has already had a good input defensively although I agree that we need a back up CB and LB in January. Tuanzebe impresses me more and more, actually more reliable than Chester at the moment. Hopefully McGinn will be back to replace Whelan on Wednesday. Looking forward to tough fixtures coming up now rather than dreading them.

  4. Big Fat Ron
    Big Fat Ron November 25, 2018 at 8:15 pm . Reply

    The performance is never a priority in any derby, never mind one of this magnitude. I’m glad to hear that the penny is dropping about Nyland. I’ve been saying it since August. We all said when Smith came in that we need to hang in until we can fix the defence in January. We also said the best form of defence was attack, as that’s where our strengths are. So it looks like, to date, everything is going to plan! We’re well in there and the attack is compensating for the defence. We still have lots of difficult games until the New Year, but we really shouldn’t be moaning at all!

    Btw, even if we beat Forest, which is a big ask, we won’t move up a position, so now’s the time to be patient. If we can keep winning, we might be pleasantly surprised by the league position come the New Year!


    1. DSVilla
      DSVilla November 25, 2018 at 8:31 pm . Reply

      If we beat them by two goals we will go above them. As you say, a big ask. It’s at home though, and we are doing well at home. I am actually starting to expect us to win, rather than be surprised if we do.

      1. Big Fat Ron
        Big Fat Ron November 25, 2018 at 10:53 pm . Reply

        Just hope Grabban doesn’t do what most would expect him to do! Especially with our defence!

  5. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 November 26, 2018 at 11:14 am . Reply

    Our daughter is out staying with us at the moment so we enjoyed the win together even though we could only follow it on text. Seen the highlights and it looked like a game of two dodgy defences and with our ‘new Deano attack’ I believe in those circumstances we will always score more goals – and so the good fairy willed it.

    As pointed out Smith’s challenge in January is to strengthen the defence but I suspect with limited resources – something he’s very comfortable with. For me I’d recall Steer and Mitch Clarke and make a new LB my first priority.

    Bit worried about the growing injury list though.

    Oh – and perhaps we should recall Gary Gardiner just to upset Small Heath LOL.

    1. DSVilla
      DSVilla November 26, 2018 at 12:25 pm . Reply

      Nah! Need to find another Gardiner to send them. Craig was useless!

      1. Pat 57
        Pat 57 November 26, 2018 at 1:47 pm . Reply

        And gobby as hell with it. I wonder if he’s given up on going back to VP after all his mouthing off during the match on Sunday?

        Wouldn’t want him back now, we could do a lot better.

        1. Hitchens60
          Hitchens60 November 27, 2018 at 1:26 am . Reply

          I was refering to Gary not Craig who, by all accounts, has been influential for them in midfield. It was supposed to be a tongue in cheek comment!

          1. Hitchens60
            Hitchens60 November 27, 2018 at 1:28 am . Reply

            And Gary wasn’t playing Sunday under the terms of the loan deal!

  6. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson November 26, 2018 at 2:17 pm . Reply

    It can only get better lads, can you imagine that game under Bruce, it would have been lost before they played. I see the difference and yes we do need to strengthen in our defence but give credit where its wanted, Villa didn’t buckle when we went 1 down, to me it showed the team are together, that wouldn’t have been with Bruce believe me. We are not far away from being a side to be reckoned with, Wednesday night we will see. Well done the lads.

  7. Adam
    Adam November 26, 2018 at 6:33 pm . Reply

    I might be the only one but i actually think Nyland is improving and doesnt need replacing. He was fouled for their first goal Che Adams pulls his shirt. The more pressing matter was the biggest man on the field was apparently being marked at first by Whelan!? And for that goal didnt have anyone marking him just left free. Nyland couldnt do anything about their 2nd either. His distribution wasnt bad either. He came and collected a couple of times to ease pressure. I think there is a good keeper there just needs that confidence and his defence didnt exactly help in that department!

  8. nath
    nath November 26, 2018 at 7:49 pm . Reply

    i agree with adam nyland is improving. he just needs time as does the whole defence. the goal from the corner was good work from the attacking team. they fouled nyland and kodjia and both was missed by referee, they had done this routine two or three times before the goal and the guy who scored was always the target. but this is a new defence and need time. smith has got them more settled and they are improving every game.

    i just wanted to say what a game. this game would have been lost under bruce, but under smith we have proved we can play and with this result against showed us we can roll up our selves and fight too. brum are a good streetwise team and they were solid and very strong up front. playing two up.

    only thing i was worried about was we kept switching off, when we thought we done enough. whoops also what a goal from hutton. loved the driving run. which we need to do more off. grealish should take note of huttons run and himself do more of this especially towards the end of games. we need to move the ball quicker i thought. but smith knows all this and i find refreshing he tells the reporters this and doesn’t dish up excesses.

    another massive game wednesday which we can win and yet more ground recovered from a doggy start to season.

  9. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson November 27, 2018 at 7:24 am . Reply

    He’s a fighter Badger that what I like about him, ok not the best back in the world but likes to go forwards when he can. That goal was pure determination from him and its won him admiration from fans.

  10. Holte66
    Holte66 November 27, 2018 at 8:23 am . Reply

    Remember when Hutton was considered part of the bomb squad! Looking back now, he is the only one who showed willingness and desire to try and turn things round. It’s unfortunate that we are still lumbered with Richards who is the total opposite. Hopefully we can offload him in January which leaves us with McCormack! Another player with the wrong attitude (thanks Di Matteo 😞) Tomorrow will be tough against Forest especially with Grabban up front. You have to expect him to score. A win though will push us within touching distance of top six. If and it’s a big if, we can do well over next five games then we should be looking at automatic places given a transfer window five weeks away.

    1. Originallondonlion
      Originallondonlion November 27, 2018 at 12:48 pm . Reply

      Hutton still is the last remaining member of my bomb squad. Nevertheless I was delighted for him scoring that goal in that game. The last Villa full back I saw making that run and scoring was John Gidman. The differences between them are: John was a better defender when in position at fullback, John also had a good midfielder covering his full back role when Giddy was on one of his forays, Hutton hasn’t had one – so far.

      1. Hitchens60
        Hitchens60 November 28, 2018 at 2:17 am . Reply

        OLL – so if Hutton had left in the summer but Richards was still at Villa you would have ended your self imposed exile on the arbitrary basis that Richards was never in Lamberts bomb squad?

        I know who has contributed far more for far less.

        1. Originallondonlion
          Originallondonlion November 28, 2018 at 4:24 pm . Reply

          No, my bomb squad included all the players who contributed to our relegation. I excluded only Grealish who missed much of that season and was still a callow youth.

          So Richards is definitely in the bomb squad but because he is effectively sidelined from all competitive matches, I would pay to watch Villa again one the team is rid of them.

          1. Hitchens60
            Hitchens60 November 28, 2018 at 5:18 pm . Reply

            Ah – that’s different to your earlier post where you said that Hutton ‘is the last remains member of your bomb squad’.

            I’m not trying to be argumentative here, I just feel that Hutton (for all his failings) has earned forgiveness and could, without any ‘loss of face’ could be removed from your bomb squad – although your self imposed exile would continue.

            Personally, Richards is the player with whom I have the most issues!

  11. Little 8
    Little 8 November 27, 2018 at 3:56 pm . Reply

    Great win for the boys and if we can be around the play offs come January I think we will be in with a shout.Smith has done wonders for confidence.

  12. Benno
    Benno November 28, 2018 at 3:38 am . Reply

    We did look a little fragile at the back, but at least we have everyone playing in the right position now! I’m not a big fan of Taylor, but he is a left back and will do a solid, and Hutton is so much more effective playing on his natural side. I agree about the keeper though, and if rumours are true about Heaton, that would be perfect! Be interesting to see who Smith brings in now he is at a club with some spending power.

    We have so many good attacking players its almost embarassing. Bruce just had no idea how to use them. Adomah out means Bolasie comes in, not a bad swap!

    Big game tomorrow. Hopefully McGinn is fit because we definitely missed him last game.

  13. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson November 28, 2018 at 11:22 am . Reply

    Good news Lads,

    If the chance to go four unbeaten was not enough for Aston Villa manager Dean Smith to relish, he will be encouraged by the news that midfielder John McGinn looks like being available for selection for tonight’s clash with Nottingham Forest.

    McGinn had missed the weekend’s Second City derby win over Birmingham City, with a calf injury he had picked up on international duty
    Only problem is Adomah not available.

    1. Pat 57
      Pat 57 November 28, 2018 at 2:42 pm . Reply

      Shame about Adomah but we’ve got Bolasie who’s looking really good. Basically only Jack, McGinn and probably Chester are irreplaceable.

      Feeling good about this one. We’ve scored seven goals in our last two games so I’m hoping that we’ll score a few more tonight.

      Prediction 3-1 to Villa

      1. Hitchens60
        Hitchens60 November 28, 2018 at 5:23 pm . Reply

        Agreed Pat but am really annoyed that Adomah was injured by a tackle that merited a red card. The ref was poor and failed to stamp his authority on the game early which resulted in a number of the Small Heath ’players’ resorting to thuggery throughout the game.

        According to stats Grealish became the first EFL player to be fouled more than 10 times in a single game!

        1. Pat 57
          Pat 57 November 28, 2018 at 5:46 pm . Reply

          Hitch, spot on there. Keiftenbelt should have been yellow carded in the second minute for a really bad one on Jack. Reckon they were trying it on to see what the ref would do. They knew they’d get away with murder when he didn’t even get a talking to. Really rubbish refereeing.

          Hope we get someone better tonight.

  14. nath
    nath November 28, 2018 at 6:43 pm . Reply

    refereeing has been really poor in the championship since we played in it, you really have to chop somebody in two to receive red. teams have all adopted the same tactics on grealish especially. they hit him hard early on and judge how the ref will play the game. if he comes down hard on rough tackles, then they take it in turns to smash grealish up. but if they are lenient like in derby they constantly upend him without consequences

    tonight we can close the gap to the pace setters. forest are a much better team than birmingham. but they won’t be as good as brum were from dead balls. i expect us to continue our march up the league. 2 1 win in a close game.

  15. nath
    nath November 28, 2018 at 6:54 pm . Reply

    just seen the line up. jake dolyes hayes is included on the bench. this lad could really make it under smith. in the hourihane role which whelen played in derby. smith likes a american quarter back player who can spray the ball around from a deeper position. this player links up the team departments. been reported we are interested in bannan who himself is really good in this position. but i really reckon hayes could be as good, if given a chance.

  16. Badger123
    Badger123 November 28, 2018 at 7:16 pm . Reply

    Sorry chaps, just got in and not had time to write anything.
    I reckon this is Vindaloo; we’ll score one more …………

    Nyland, Hutton, Chester, Tuanzebe, Taylor, McGinn, Hourihane, Kodjia, Grealish, Bolasie, Abraham Subs: Bunn, Elmohamady, Whelan, Hogan, El Ghazi, O’Hare, Doyle-Hayes.

  17. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 November 28, 2018 at 7:27 pm . Reply

    Tough game tonight. If true to form, Krankor (sic) will set up to play deep and try and nick a goal – but we under estimate their ability at our peril.

    Good test of our improvements as a team (squad).

    So having to follow BBC text but at least mid afternoon and daughter still here so the rum bottle’s getting a serious going over LOL

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