MarkDraperNumber8 has submitted the following;
My conspiracy theory brain is kicking in…bear with me here.
Perhaps Benteke isn’t injured at all? Perhaps Lambert wants to keep him quiet this season or at least until January goes away to stop any suiters coming in with a bid?
Perhaps the same with the evidently non-existent Helenius?
Perhaps Okore isn’t even injured?
Perhaps the loss of form of Lowton, Westwood, Benteke and Weimann is designed?
Perhaps KEA is the next Iniesta? (okay, that ones not serious)
Perhaps he’s playing hoofball to stop any interest in any of our players so he can build his squad without any losses in personnel? It strikes me as strange the sudden change in our style of play. Last season when we beat Swansea for example we played them at their own passing game and did it well…
…Perhaps he’s purposely playing shite football?
Perhaps his constant and incoherant post and pre-match mumblings are a mask, hiding the reality that we have a genius at the helm of our team, who will one day present himself…?
Perhaps after January we’ll have a fully fit squad, play passing football again and finish top 7?
Perhaps this has been part of the plan all along and we’re quietly trudging along under the radar slowly building a strong and solid squad, ready to show our full potential when Lambert (the genius) sees fit?
It’s a thought isn’t it?
It’s been a loong christmas, perhaps I need to sleep…
Sir Oohah i see we win one game and the LEMMINGS are out of their holes defending LAMBERK for fuck sake it was only Sunderland do they actualy think LAMBERK is going to save us they are more deluded than i thought they were.
It’s amazing sir terry how everyone is having a wank fest over this result as if we had just won the league!! Suddenly lamberk is the messiah ffs
ha some pair ye are!
Beautifully defined and gleefully narrated by the david Atenbouroughs of aston villa news and views
Terry Jones and Ooh ahh
“and here we see of the more peculiar rituals seen in the internet forum habitat.
we bear witness to Lamberk Lemming species participating in “a deluded wankfest” .. “
COLONIUS 81 Sir Oohah and myself will wait with baited breath to see what the LEMMINGS have to say when we take several hammerings in the next few league games they will soon crawl back into their holes.
haha maybe .. i will still be here though taking it on the chin like a champ! lol
seriously though hammerings aside we will bobble about midtable this season i think probably 12th at this rate maybe 10th if we get a run of form from somewhere. I am leaning towards the former though.
hammerings well .. we took some pretty brutal ones last season. but its not the be all and end all.
we somehow managed to dish one out to sunderland in the end.
Then i look at this year.. poor old totenham spent quite a bit and are supposedly still in the hunt for 4th yet they got a nice 5-0 hammering the other week. arsenal are top and were beaten 5-3 was it? 6-3 by the same side we of all teams managed to beat!
I think there are some losses to come – i hope not huge ones but so be it for me.
doesn’t change my mind ..really i want continuity over new manager every season