Jack Grealish made the news lines again, but for the wrong reasons. Pictures surfaced of Grealish going out and partying after Villa’s 4-0 defeat to Everton. An article to those pictures can be found here. But following the release of these pictures, Remi Garde has decided to send Grealish to play with the U21 and this may have to do with his party lifestyle, or the fact that Grealish has been poor so far, especially against Everton.
I personally don’t think it’s bad that Grealish is going out partying, as long as he can play good football I’ve got nothing against going out on a Saturday. I’m sure that many fans did even though they witnessed a 4-0 defeat. Grealish was joined with Callum Robinson, another Aston Villa player, but currently on loan at Bristol City, where he isn’t really excelling and struggling to get game time.
But this move also shows that Garde is ruthless, and is probably trying to instill into the team that players need to be professional, especially since we are so low in the League table. Such a drastic move could’ve also been influenced after Garde spoke out last week that Grealish does need to step up and won’t be guaranteed a starting spot. I just hope that Grealish takes this well and actually takes training and our games coming up more seriously. I’m sure that the likes of Sinclair and Agbonlahor would jump at the chance of playing out wide for the sake of the club and for first team football. Grealish? Perhaps not yet.
I hope he developes into an adult in the development squad,we could really do without all this SHITE atm.
Grealish thinks he is a super star and he is one hundred miles away from that. He would be better of preforming on the field instead at a night club. Garde is 100/% right teach him a lesson. if he keeps acting the bollox his career could be over before it starts.
Spot on.
He’s started to believe his own publicity and behaves like a prize twat; at the moment he looks like a bad cross between Lee Hendrie and Mario Balotelli.- and hasn’t even shown anything more than ‘promise’ on the field.
I am afraid he thinks he is better than he actually is as the fame has gone to his head. Not a first team regular as I believe he is overrated and not as good as he thinks he is. He cannot defend, cannot tackle, slows the play up instead of being more direct in dangerous areas. Basically not yet good enough to warrant a start in the team and is a luxury we cannot afford in our position.
Come let’s get a little perspective on this the lads what 20? And he’s out on the lash on a Saturday night, so what’s the big deal?
I think needs to be is be a little more careful who he considers to be his mates cause some sneaky f**Ker leaked that footage to the press.
True BWS but don’t forget that according to the media all footballers are role models!
Most ‘lads out on the lash’ aren’t athletes getting paid 100 times or more what ordinary lads get paid.
He has no respect.
P57 – tounge in cheek comment mate. I hate the disrespect he brings to the club but being a footballer earning Zillions doesn’t stop them behaving immaturely – just like most kids do. He has to learn quick that as a footballer with a high profile everything he does Is open to scrutiny – that can be very difficult for a kid like Grealish.
Pat don’t you think you be being just a touch sanctimonious there? The lads only human, were you never young?
How much he gets paid means nothing, he’s going to act like a 20 year old, and guess what, a lot of them do what he’s doing. Just because he makes a lot of money doesn’t mean his personality automatically becomes different to how a “regular” 20 year old acts.
Andrew, not all 20 year old have his skills, he’s moved into a world of responsibilities now, if he’s not checked now his whole world will fall apart, trouble is kids don’t want to listen.
That’s because of bad parenting, that kids don’t listen. But that’s a whole other topic.
Of course we want him to be responsible, because he’s a Villa player, and he’s in the lime-light. However he still is 20, fans have to remember this. Your personality doesn’t change just because he’s now famous. He’s going to act like 20 year old’s do. His responsibility is on the pitch and at training, what he does with his nights where he’s free is up to him, much like the rest of the people.
Possibly what he gets up to in his own time is affecting recent performances SHITE to say the least buts that’s ok he’s only young.
Ps his employees ain’t happy with him & there the ones that pay his wages,now he’s been been downgraded he’ll probably be hitting the capstons & round off the evening with a nice big greasy kebab well he’s only young ain’t he???
I couldnt care less about his night out. Hes 20 years old, enjoying his life. What worries me is his lack of impact this season. I really thought he would come into his own this year. He has started most games, and apart from the first 60 mins away at Leicester I dont think he has played well at all.
He was outstanding in the last 10 games last year. I dont think the media have done him any favours mind you.
Same old Villa Benno – As soon as we give a player a decent contract they stop performing….. God knows why but it just seems to happen more than often !
Sickening to see a young man throw away a talent, the son in law knows the family and his father is proud of the youngster, thing is his heads been turned and cannot handle his young life, his friends are not what you call friends and mates, girls come at him like flies what young buck would refuse? He needs a minder to guide him till he understands what he’s got. To me he was like a breath of fresh air, but now he needs to wake up and soon.
Garde’s latest comment about Sanchez on the OS;
“He’s a bit stronger and heavy-weighted compared to the others.”
So Remi agrees, it would seem. The midfield are lightweight.
This is where I would expect to see incomers in the window.
News just broke that Grealish is definitely out of the squad to play Watford, I think that’s a good move. Remi, tell N’Zogbia to save us like he saved Wigan many times, you might just get a tune out of him!
I like the way Garde talks – makes intelligent well considered statements which is such a relief after the last three managers. It would be amazing if he keeps us up but sadly I think it’s a task beyond anybody with our present set up. I can’t think of a better man to get us back up quickly should the unthinkable happen (still retaining a little bit of hope!)
thing is hitch even though we are garbage at the moment, we haven’t been cut adrift, a half decent run could see us pull clear, can possibly see 25-30 points being the safety mark this year.
I don’t think it’s just the fact that he went on a night out, it’s more to do with the fact that it could be seen as a lack of respect to those Villa fans who made the effort to go to the Everton game at Goodison Park, the fact that Grealish was handed a starting place and then, like the rest of the team, appeared to not be bothered about the outcome. With a little bit more sensitivity and certainly maturity, Grealish may have decided that going out on the lash with the lads for all to see was perhaps not the most wise of decisions. Of course, if he was playing well and the team was winning then there would not be this song and dance about the matter. I remember Jimmy Johnstone of Celtic going AWOL at the Scotland team headquarters in Largs in 1972, just before the Home International decider against England. He had been out on a session and was rescued from a rowing boat without oars. Despite this, the manager allowed him to play and Scotland won two-nil so nothing more was said but only because they won and he played a blinder. Sadly, as a Scot, a distant memory. Personally I think that Grealish has undoubted potential and has shown glimpses of what he can do but only glimpses. Having players with skill and flair is all well and good but what Villa need right now is a team full of grafters, that give 100% every game. At his age it’s all about learning, not just the game but also life. I only hope he knuckles down and puts all these minor hiccups behind him. Otherwise I cannot see him reaching his full potential and, before he knows it, his career is over.
The key thing for me is your point that he’s only shown ‘glimpses’ so far – nothing actually achieved yet – unlike [say] Ross Barkley, who at 21 is already an established regular at Everton and featuring for England.
Correction to above, it was 1974 when Scotland beat England 2-0 and, before anybody says it, Yes Scotland have beaten England since then, not that many times though.
If you read Garde’s comments about Grealish it’s clear that he sees Grealish has let both himself and the club down but more importantly Garde trusted him by allowing him stay behind in Manchester and Grealish has betrayed that trust. Can Garde now trust him to deliver on the pitch. Grealish is going to have to work hard to rebuild that trust. We shall find out just what the lad is made of in the next few weeks.
Christmas party on the horizon GET IT DOWN YER.
Does it include polishing the boardroom table? Wink, wink 🙂
Hitch, don’t mention table ,I know a bloke that does the flemingo on polished tables.????
Bill – the mind boggles – best not to think about it!!!!!!
Giddy did a flemingo dance in a bar and fell off the table cracked 3 ribs. Didn’t we mate.
Don’t accept the excuses. Yes he’s only 20 but he’s the one who wants to be a professional footballer yet he hasn’t seemed to have understood the meaning of the word ‘professional’.
Let him go on as many binges as he likes so long as it’s not using the hard earned cash of Villa supporters who are funding it.
The words ‘arse’ and ‘hard kick’ seem to apply here.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of his antics it’ll be interesting to see how he bounces back, if he can now show he has the strength of character and desire to become a top player and fulfil his potential.
On reflection it does appear to show there’s been a lack of discipline at the club under Sherwood, Lambert and going back even further.
Reports of Gabby (allegedly) having numerous rucks with the training staff at BMH, plus the rumours of the alleged antics of PL’s backroom staff ( the white powder and boardroom thing) and as far back as 2012 there was the incident in broad Street involving Chris Herd, James Collins and Fabian Delph.
Something’s obviously wrong with the culture at the club and perhaps Garde’s now seen it first hand and is left with no other option than to come down like a ton of bricks in order to restore some order to the club?
as much as grealish is at fault but so is garde. either everyone comes back on the coach or no one does. sorry but as a manager you have to set the standards and let everyone know your in a team so when we turn up together you leave together
I’m sure the players have got the message now.
It’s started, Garde dug his heels in, cause players are knee trembling now ,what we got was the fault of inexperience players, to many overseas players and a manager like a bull in a China shop.as I’m now thinking, tomorrow will tell.