Confirmed; Bruce Stays!

Good grief, what is Edens wearing!
I heard this while watching the BBC local news and have to say straight off that I believe it’s the right decision for the club, if maybe not for our footy.

I tried to read the statement on the OS, but of course, the site timed out.
What do they use for broadband, I wonder; steam?
It’s probably BT.

Apart from the decision being right, I also believe it’s the moral thing to do, after the news came about that Thierry Henry had agreed to take over as manager.
For what it’s worth, I believe that story was probably true. I’ve no doubt Henry had agreed in principal to take over if indeed the new majority owners decided to change manager.
And I’d bet that this sort of thing happens all the time, in the background.
But we don’t usually get to hear about it, as the unwritten rule is that you never discuss someone’s job while they’re still in it.
Which is where I have to ask myself who leaked the story to the press?

I very much doubt it would be any of the owners, as that’s just not the way sucessful people do business.
So my pure guess is that it’s come from Henry’s advisor.
And actually might have shot Henry’s chances in the foot, in the short term anyway.
You only have to read the criticism on here and other sites about how the whole thing was just wrong.

But not only is it the morally correct thing to do, it just makes sense.
Bringing in a totally inexperienced manager, this late on would have been a massive mistake.

And then there’s the amount of money it would cost the club to sack Bruce, which was anywhere upwards of £1.5 million, if the press are to be believed.
Having thought about it, that contract payment still doesn’t make sense.
Why would you have a one year rolling contract, if it involves another six months severance pay on top?
Answer, you wouldn’t.
That’s the whole point. After each year, the contract is looked at again and if either party is unhappy, it’s terminated.

Which is quite handy for the owners, given that Bruce’s contract runs out in October.
It’s gives them time to see how Bruce gets on.
And if he looks to be failing, they can sack him, safe in the knowledge that Henry will probably be sat on the sidelines and they’re not seen to be totally ruthless, in bringing in an unexperienced manager, while not giving Bruce a chance.

Being totally pragmatic, it’s a win-win for the club.
But I genuinely hope Bruce gets us off to a flyer, as that’s all that matters.
But trying to play better footy would probably help his cause too.


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  1. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 27, 2018 at 2:39 pm . Reply

    Sorry Nath didn’t read your ..

    1. nath
      nath July 27, 2018 at 3:21 pm . Reply

      no worries bill

      i wonder how bad the finances are concerning ffp at villa. i am sure its best to keep that shit secret, so they can get decent prices when they sell players. but as fans its frustrating not knowing.

      it seems like bruce wants to keep chester and grealish, but if we have to raise funds,who will they sell ?? i couldnt see anybody wanting our shit. might get loose change for some deadbeats hardly gonna clear the debts

  2. nath
    nath July 27, 2018 at 3:12 pm . Reply

    QPR have agreed a settlement of almost £42m with the English Football League after an arbitration panel dismissed the Championship club’s claims that Financial Fair Play rules are unlawful.

    The settlement includes a £17m fine, paying £3m of the EFL’s legal costs and the agreement from club shareholders to write off £22m of outstanding loans.

    QPR will also be under a transfer embargo for the January 2019 window.

    It is believed the EFL have agreed to a payment schedule over 10 years

    this is whats on bbc website. seems like its not a slap on the hand or sit in the corner for 5 mins punishment

    1. Bum Bum
      Bum Bum July 27, 2018 at 3:19 pm . Reply

      And in the meantime, Man Citeh breach the rules with a massive stadium sponsorship for £400m to get around FFP. Double standards and a bloody disgrace.

      1. nath
        nath July 27, 2018 at 3:25 pm . Reply

        your spot on. its clearly a rule that safe guards top clubs wanting to stay there, while hindering smaller clubs, wanting to get a bigger slice of the bigger clubs tv money

  3. Bill's big check suit
    Bill's big check suit July 27, 2018 at 3:15 pm . Reply

    Why haven’t we had a decent goalkeeper in decades? Was Bosnich the last decent ‘keeper before he left for ManU?

  4. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 27, 2018 at 3:36 pm . Reply

    I’ve said it before, the FA should be investigated how they operate, the law as it stands can put small cubs out of business. I’d like to know who’s on the FA board are they independent of not being on football cub boards.

  5. Pat 57
    Pat 57 July 27, 2018 at 4:14 pm . Reply

    Just wondering if our new owners could put together a shell company (see stories about Trump’s crooked lawyer Cohen) and call it ‘Villa Investments’ or something.

    Get this company to bid £60 million for naming rights for the ground so it would now be re-named ‘Villa Park’.

    Just a thought.

    Don’t blame me if it’s daft, it’s too bloody hot right now.

  6. DSVilla
    DSVilla July 27, 2018 at 4:16 pm . Reply

    The fine was £17m. Most of the rest was capitalising loans. Villa have already done that bit. I would take a £17m fine all day long for promotion to the Prem, and so would Villa’s owners.

    QPR had a wage bill twice their total turnover. That won’t happen at Villa. The owners are rich enough to find an answer through sponsorship and other avenues, plus they have the advantages already mentioned on here of change of ownership.

    Bruce will get 10 games to prove he is up to it. He isn’t. Next manager is key. Probably too big a gamble with Henry, but we should get a far better manager with the potential at the club under the new owners.

  7. Holte66
    Holte66 July 27, 2018 at 5:56 pm . Reply

    I was in the keep Bruce camp when stories of Henry was circulating, but I’m hoping this 5 3 2 formation gets kicked into touch pronto. I agree with the obvious fact that we only have 2 recognised centre backs, and only one is decent, therefore we are playing the likes of Hutton and Adomah out of position. I know there will be those who say it’s a 3 5 2 formation but that needs quick wing backs which we are lacking. I want Green to start but he can’t spend all his energy tracking back, and Adomah struggles for 90 minutes. I fear if he perseveres with this then we could struggle early on, and that would cost him his job. It looks unlikely Hogan will be fit to start the season so that leaves Kodja as main striker, and he’s been pants since returning from injury. It seems Kieran Davis has fallen out of favour in pre season and Knibbs suddenly propelled into contention. We need to go to Hull with the attitude we are Aston Villa and we are here to win. My worry is there will be more defensive players than attacking in the line up which is let’s not lose approach. I hope I’m proved wrong.

  8. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 28, 2018 at 5:45 am . Reply

    Letting you all know lads today’s game is on Aston Villa’s media Channel at 2 a clock our time. Dynamo Dresden .Draw for me. 2-2 .

  9. nath
    nath July 28, 2018 at 7:25 am . Reply

    it isn’t defensive badger, but if you insist it is its cool. all formations are as good as the players players using them. 352 has been used by loads of clubs and some have proven its worth. wolves last year for one, chelsea a few years back another the list is endless.

    where you are mistaken in my view, its not 5 across the back, its never meant to be that. some clubs play this system wrong. like villa last year. all systems need practice to work. also need the right sort of players in the system and lastly like all systems needs the players buying into them

    i think bruce wants to build up pressure on oppositions, by controlling the game more. last season villa just lost control of games and couldnt regain control. this system would give grealish the ball, further in the opponents half and less coming deep into our half to pick up the ball.

    present we havent cracked the system yet, mainly without the ball, they have struggled and with the ball they haven’t been too bad. when this system works well. you can overwhelm the opposition. you can stop countering attacks and box your opponents inside their half.

    we need some recruitments thou, hopefully a quality defender and a striker. they got another goalie, hopefully he will be able to distribute the ball better. as well as saving the ball and good handing, that sort of shit.

    another concern is kodjia. i thought it was just me, but loads of villa fans have seen this. where is the real kodjia. he is so slow making decisions or just moving a to b. you know when a player is struggling, when they complain about everything to referee. or take ages getting off the floor. i think he is playing 50% of his full effort. why because he doesn’t want to get injured again, but this cant continue or, no matter the system we are gonna struggle. if he could regain confidence in his own body and his form would return. he used to hold up the ball with little effort. tricky to tackle but now he surrenders the ball with ease.

  10. Holte66
    Holte66 July 28, 2018 at 10:01 am . Reply

    Kodja is a bit of an enigma. From 2010 to 2016 when he signed for us he has played for a different club each season. I’m thinking he can’t be coached and that he will always be too selfish to integrate into a system. There is no doubting his natural ability and that’s what makes him even more frustrating. If Bruce can’t get him to be a team player I don’t think anyone will. It might be in the best interests of both club and player if he moves on. Get Hogan, Davis, Hepburn Murphy and Knibbs more involved this season.

  11. Pat 57
    Pat 57 July 28, 2018 at 2:28 pm . Reply

    Is that 2-1 to us now?

    Two good goals from Green (I think?) especially the first one. Playing really well but how good are the opposition?

    Missed the first half as I thought it kicked off at 2.

  12. Pat 57
    Pat 57 July 28, 2018 at 3:02 pm . Reply

    So a 2-1 win and we played well (for the second half anyway). No idea what the first half was like as I thought the game kicked off at 2 pm and so I missed it.

    Wondering if we’re beginning to see the starters for the game against Hull emerging now. Green should be one of them having scored 3 goals in two games and he looked sharp.

    Grealish ran the show and was as committed as I’ve ever seen him. I can only surmise that he’s going to be with us for another season as I don’t think he would have been playing today if a serious bid was in for him and he certainly wouldn’t have been throwing himself into the game like he did.

    Dresden only had half chances except for the one that De Laet cleared off the line. It was only after a slew of substitutions that Dresden even came close to scoring.

    Getting optimistic.

  13. nath
    nath July 28, 2018 at 3:05 pm . Reply

    i thought villa did well today. you can see the benefits of the system. we pressed high and this led to winning the ball back high. with the ball we are not too far away from cracking the new formation. we should be switching the ball more and got to take more care with the passes in our own half.

    without the ball was good and bad, as i said we pressed good, but sometimes their shape was lost, but that will take more time to perfect. i also thought steer played better. yeah bad mistake leading to their goal. but goalies are mad breed and he will get over that and improve for it. he isn’t a bad keeper at all, just his distribution needs a polish. but today even that part was better

    overall i am quite happy and confident with the upcoming season, i still would like a defender and striker.

    1. nath
      nath July 28, 2018 at 4:37 pm . Reply

      taylor i was think you mean left back taylor he played and was ordinary, but i just realised you mean corey taylor he didn’t play. i was looking forward to seeing hayes who also didn’t play.

  14. DSVilla
    DSVilla July 28, 2018 at 3:49 pm . Reply

    Couldn’t watch the game as I’m 8 hours behind where I am so thanks for comments above. Was it the same change the team at half time tactic, or is it getting more settled line up? Green sounds promising. If he stays fit he is probably better than Adomah. They are both lightweight defensively but pose a threat going forward. Maybe Kodjia will improve with games, but he does have those issues that everyone has mentioned.

    Did Taylor get another run out on the right wing? He looked good last time I saw him, decent cross on him and pretty strong build as well.

    I guess it’s not long now before we find out how prepared we are.

    1. nath
      nath July 28, 2018 at 4:27 pm . Reply

      it was a more settled team, subs introduced around 60 mins. the players at wc which were given longer off, got more minutes. green played more central today was supporting adomah but they switched and green scored two good goals another screamer and a surprise header, from a hutton cross who had followed a brilliant run from hutton.

      grealish was targeted by dresden he was constantly fouled, he was never allowed to dictate as he always does, but he still got on the ball

      steer made a massive error, he waited for a ball to roll slowly into the box and before he managed to pick it up a dreden player scored and had his cigar. but credit to steer he never crumbled, he made some decent saves, he also used his feet better.

  15. Steve
    Steve July 28, 2018 at 4:00 pm . Reply

    Villa simply have to keep Grealish.
    All our pre season has been with him as the playmaker.
    To let him go now would reck all our preparations and be negligent if the powers that be knew he was going all along.

  16. Saddened
    Saddened July 28, 2018 at 6:30 pm . Reply

    The best thing to come from the game is Bruce telling us “no-one is for sale” So Levy can stick his sneaky dealing up where the sun doesn’t shine 🙂

  17. Ifiruledtheworld
    Ifiruledtheworld July 28, 2018 at 7:27 pm . Reply

    Haven’t posted for a while on here, enjoying the summer weather and trying to avoid most Villa related news. It was quite depressing up until last week! I think we have reason to be quietly optimistic. On paper we have a great side, it’s just down to Bruce now to get them performing and getting results.

    Keeping Grealish, Chester and Kodjia is vital, so reading Bruce’s latest interview was great news! Throw in the likes of Hourihane and Adomah as well and I think we have a great basis for another promotion push. As for the manager I know many wanted Bruce out, but when you hear the likes of Grealish and Chester talking about their admiration for him they well could have jumped ship if Bruce was sacked. IMO Bruce is a lucky manager, and sometimes you need luck so to have a manager like him isn’t a bad thing in my eyes.

    I think one or 2 additions is definitely needed on top of the keeper from Atletico Madrid supposedly coming in, just to replace all the players who’s loans ended after the play off final. As he showed today this season could well be the making of Andre Green, fingers crossed he can stay fit. Same goes for Hepburn-Murphy, if he can shake off his torrid injury problems I’d expect him to get a run of games, he’s looked very good in his cameos up to now and I would be very surprised if he didn’t get his first goal this season.

    Starting to feel optimistic for the new season at last, and it’s just in time too with the new season starting next weekend! Bring it on.


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