Jack Grealish returns to training this week after being banished from the first team the past two weeks ever since Grealish’s night out after Villa’s 4-0 defeat to Everton. But will Grealish actually learn his lesson this time? And more importantly, can he turn that raw talent into match performances?
Remi Garde has played a hard ball game with Grealish, unlike with Tim Sherwood, Grealish didn’t just get a talking to after pictures emerged of his partying lifestyle. For me, I don’t care if a player goes out, what irritates me is that Grealish went out after a defeat, and after not playing well at all. But with Scott Sinclair less than inspiring performance against Southampton, a spot on the left hand side of the midfield is up for grabs and Grealish needs to show in training that he can step up to the plate. Grealish now needs to prove to the fans and to himself that he does have the talent to play at the highest level.
I do believe that Grealish can become a Villa legend, he does have that potential but he needs to unleash it. Grealish needs to show the same desire and form that he captured last season, because so far, it hasn’t quite happened. Grealish has so far scored 1 goal (League) and 2 assists (League Cup), which isn’t that bad, but he can do better.
Sell him in January to generate some funds towards what Lerner will lose out on when we are relegated.
That probably isn’t a million mile from the truth.
Wycombe away in the FA Cup. Will be a good guide to the standard we will be facing in a couple of seasons.
First thing he needs to learn is how to put a shift in…….watching those 2 guys for Stoke against City they never stopped working and then produced the silky skills.It a different game now with players needing to be tough and mobile.And all the players need to speed up and run at the defence when near area- we always loose it by going side or back so nothing to loose…..might even get a pen !
what we need to do is sit the squad down and show them endless footage of how to play basic football.
we need to get rid of this tippy tappy approach. like you have mentioned about stoke but also leicester palace and watford play with 2 players playing off each other either upfront or in the channels and dont need 20 passes to get there.
Villaaway is spot on here. Grealish has shown nothing that would warrant a clamour for him to get back in the team. He’s pranced about worrying about his hair with those ridiculous shin pads as if he’s made it already. Any teams that have been bang average and that have survived have done it on pure graft. They give everything to win the ball and chase all day. You can excuse a lack of skill but giving 100% is the minimum requirement. That’s the reason we’ve amassed a poultry two points from our home games.
You’re right Sir Earl – it’s a chicken sh*t performance so far 🙂
I was going to suggest that they’ve been running around with their heads cut off. Either way we’ve been getting a real Sunday roasting! ????
Given at our present plight I think young Mr Grealish is not the only that needs to ‘put a shift in’.
Kozak with 2 goals so far for the under 21s. Still he won’t be given a chance and that useless lump Gestede will no doubt be picked again.
Garde out
Lerner out
some of these players have played under 2 or more managers and coaching staff whilst being here and still struggle to put in a shift.
so im not convinced that the team in general are going to pull up their socks. even when last season was coming to an end and had a cup final to look forward to but still showed a lack of respect
While I agree Grealish needs to do more work, he’s never really going to be a tackling type when he does track back, is he?
Still doesn’t excuse him at least hassling and harrying though.
I just don’t believe he’s suited to what we need at the moment, which is as has been said, grafters.
He has the ability to become a great player. But he needs to be in a team where the players move better and are of a better, more confident standard.
Certainly, going on what I’ve seen this season, I’d put Gil in before Grealish, as much as I’ve liked the kid (for a long time).
Badger, why isn’t he? If he’s not ‘the type’ I’d suggest that he starts becoming the type now or we can add him to the long list of villa youngster who’ve wasted their talent. Klopp went into Liverpool and told them they’re all going to have to change the way they play. If Garde wants any success with Grealish, he’ll tell him to pull his socks up – literally and metaphorically – and get chasing all over the pitch. Micah Richards said weeks ago that it was no coincidence that we run the least and we’re bottom. We need a midfield that’s going to hassle and press all game. Can’t do it? Bye bye then, you can be someone else’s lazy *#!*
You’ve exactly confirmed the point I made.
My opinion says he isn’t cut out for what’s currently required. His running his guts out will not improve him in the area that he’s best at, which is driving forward with nimble feet and picking out a sharp pass where it matters.
Because we don’t get up there and move about enough, because we’re overall too defensive trying to help a defence that is utterly rubbish.
As for running, I totally agree.
A lot of yards/metres are accumulated in short, sharp bursts.
And our mids/forwards don’t have the nous to make them.
I believe it’s why we create next to nothing.
Grealish is wasted in our squad/team, as there’s nothing for him to work with, full stop.
I would put him in for Sinclair! At least Grealish has a chance of creating something, Sinclair just runs down blind alleys!
Thing is Benno, Sinclair can actually put the ball in the net. Replace him with another person who will receive the ball in midfield, turn, and give the ball back to Guzan, and we’ll be even more impotent than ever. Villas strike force is like watching two blokes play snooker with a cue made out of Marshmallow.
It is true that Sinclair has a goal in him, but his overall game is weak. i would rather have Gil or Grealish in the team. Then again, if Ayew goes back up top, then there are 2 spots up for grabs on the wings. Surely he wont play Gestede again?
And even though Sinclair got marked down against S’hampton, he did a lot of work tracking back, that I think went unnoticed.
Which way do we want it?
Creative players who work hard in tracking back, but are too busy defending to get forward?
Or creative players who stay up top, don’t track back and are accused of being lazy?
You can’t have it both ways unless the quality is there to do both and that’s difficult, especially for a kid.
It’s why I believe Grealish isn’t what we want in this team, in this current situation.
And I’ve been singing his praises for a long time.
In the second part of the season, we have to accumulate a similar points tally to that of a top 4 team, so I think we can take it as inevitable Mr Grealish will be playing in the Championship next season…. He is simply not tough enough for the weekly battles, so I can see his future footballing prospects fizzling out, unless he chooses to leave our poisoned club.
Thank you Mr Lerner – lets hope you lose shed loads of your precious cash !
Grealish reminds me of Ronaldo (no not his football – he’s not in the same universe).
When Ronaldo first came to Man U he was full of himself, showboating, look at me attitude..
It took a few hair dryers to convince him to work hard and that results are what really count. He hasn’t done too bad since.
Jack’s still too full of himself, so hoping Remi gives Jack the hair dryer too
Grealish ,he’s a kid ,you won’t change him until he’s ready and understands what he can do in life, Badgers spot on in saying Grealish is not the lad yet to understand you have to work at the game, Aston Villa fell away in the game chasing dreams, dreams of low wage, young inexperienced players, and un proven managers, its a sad fact but we are not coming back to top flight footba for two or 3 years unless a miracle happens in other teams lose of form.
most of the players look overweight and unfit compared to other clubs
too be honest jack hasnt helped himself and we all know that. but he is probably the only player in the squad left from sherwoods brief confidence booster who impressed.
benteke got his shooting boots back on
delph was putting in shifts
cleverly came into his own
most of the remaining squad just made up the numbers and so did most of the summer signings. jack was put on a pedestal around a poor team. yes he wasnt putting in much of a shift but he werent the only one and was made the scapegoat because he went to a night club.
wow fucking wee
The answer to the question posed as the title of the thread is yes. A fuller answer is that he could but he won’t. I know he is young but he is stupid and it has happened several times already. He will keep repeating his mistakes until the club lose patience.
I’ve not been on here for a bit as I’m too down. And that’s where Villa are going.
I think fitness is a key issue here. Sherwood said that he was behind the others in terms of fitness at the start of the season, and this in a squad that we now know was, and to a lesser extent still is, woefully short in that department.
What the hell were they doing all summer? I think Robert Duverne will be getting them back up to par in the next couple of weeks and then we’ll start to see some big improvements.
He is a luxury player, who could make the difference if there were 9 others out there running and chasing. Maybe he would look really good at Palace or replacing Barry at Everton. But that is not where Villa are, we cannot afford a player who makes sure he is never getting to an opponent fast enough to be in tackling range. When he is on the ball the end product is not good enough either.
So I am sorry, the peaky blinders haircut and the half mast sox are symbolic of a cocky sod who thinks he has made it, he will be a rarity if he comes good with that start.