A bit of a round up.

I’m currently sunning my bony proverbial in Marmaris, Turkey. Very nice at a balmy 35c it is too.
I’ve been sort of keeping up with events, but basically we’re enjoying it so much, I just haven’t found time to post something.
Basically I just thought it would be a good idea to start a new post, just so it looks a bit more relevant.

There’s been a couple of events; some good, some not so, in my opinion.
First off, the great news is that John Mcginn has extended his contract.
I think everyone’s happy about that and my son in law summed it up perfectly for me, in saying that he fully deserves it. Of course, I think he was talking about the no doubt massive payrise.
We weren’t sure what McGinn was earning, but I had £47k in mind, where the sil’s thought were that he was quite well down the Aston Villa pay grade.
Given that he’s the captain and looks like he will be in future too, I’d guess he’s probably going to be earning around the £150k a week mark. In the scheme of things, as much as it makes me feel sick, he’s good value if my guess is anywhere near the mark. I love the bloke as a Villa player, because he represents everything I want to see from a footballer.

And then it’s onto the shirt.
Is it really £70? Wow, that’s a jump isn’t it?
My grandsons, (who are also on holiday with us) think it’s “quality”. Which leads me to a bit of tangent.
Before we came out here, I’d told them about the dirt cheap, but reasonable quality of the snide football shirts. They went out yesterday and came back with an Al Nassr and a PSG shirt. Yes, with Messi and Ronaldo on the back.
Anyway, I think the new Villa shirt is meh; a much of a muchness, albeit with a much better badge.
Will the missus buy it for me, as she usually does? I really don’t know.

And then the thing that disappointed was us being sponsored by a betting company.
I’m not going to get “holier than thou” about it, but for me, the quicker these companies get banned from this sort of advertising, the better.
Some of you long time readers may remember that the site used to advertise Bet365, so I may come across as a bit hypercritical, but that wasn’t my choice. It was an attempt to try and monetise the site so it paid for itself. It didn’t work, as Oohah (there’s a blast from the past!) weren’t the pr/marketing types. To be honest, the live score widget for the Prem was good though, I thought.
Anyway we sacked it off and still have the “don’t gamble” thing at the bottom of the page.

So why don’t I like gambling?
I do. If it can be done at a sensible, affordable level. Then, I have no problem with it.
But I’ve also seen someone get into serious trouble over it. So much so that it led to payday loans to try and fund it.
Long story short, is someone who earns minimum wage was around £3500 in debt.
No, it’s not one of those stories where he loses his house and all, but it caused serious stress.
All this from a previously very sensible person too.
That’s why I don’t like it.
I think the issue for me is that in a world where every other shop seems to be a bookies, is that it’s pushing something that’s already overly available and for me, very dangerous.
I was reading an article recently that talked about this. My memory isn’t what it used to be, but I get the feeling that it suggested around 3 million people in the UK have a gambling problem to some extent.

Consider that the Coates family Bet365’s owners) are amongst the richest in the UK and you instantly get what it’s all about.
Taking Apple’s cheap labour aside, I can appreciate a company making a profit. And their’s is obscene.
But when it comes at the cost of people suffering, hmm.


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  1. badger123
    badger123 July 11, 2023 at 9:22 pm . Reply

    I’m still here chaps.
    I feel like I really ought to write something, but I’ve just got nothing to say. I’m sure pretty much all of you know I can’t be doing with speculation and I much prefer to deal in cold, hard facts mostly.

    I don’t have a problem with gambling per se. It’s more that there is far too much availability and while it might not tempt your good self into gambling too much, it does with some people.
    I get that it’s a big boy’s world, but couldn’t really see what was wrong when the bookies’ was a seedy looking shop very occasionally found on the high street. The fact that you can see 4 of them in a couple of hundred yards, plus it’s everywhere online and then reinforced by your favourite football club is what concerns me.

    Fwiw, I drive a 2L diesel Beemer. I checked my missus car tax status the other day. It’s a 1.6 petrol Juke. She’s in band E (£180 a year).
    My car is in band D (£130 a year) and only 2 grms/km above band C which is £35 a year!
    That infers to me that my larger diesel engine is cleaner than her smaller petrol engine. Go figure, but it tells me the govt don’t know their arse from their elbow and banning new diesels won’t be all it’s cracked up to be.
    I also swear too.

    I’m sick of virtue signalling too and I personally blame the Beeb for being by far the biggest instigator in the UK, as much as I still trust it’s news.
    As I suggested, if bookies’ still had something “of the night” about them I’d be much happier.
    And I’m pretty sure that the Prem clubs have agreed to stop taking betting sponsorship in a couple of years anyway, haven’t they?

    Anyway, I’ll leave it there, because it’s not something I want to preach about. It is at least relevant to Football though.

    Roll on the footy, ideally combined with at least 5 new players in the bag.

    BFR, I think you’ll find that we’re seeded because we’re now the favourites given that Juventus have been kicked out:


  2. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 July 12, 2023 at 4:03 pm . Reply

    Pau Torres signs on a five year contract. Expected but good to finally see it over the line.

    Welcome to the Villa Family.


  3. Holte
    Holte July 12, 2023 at 6:04 pm . Reply

    Just a thought on Pau Torres joining us. Could he cover for Moreno at LB? He’s good in possession and a great passer. Otherwise it’s going to be Digne if he stays. Maybe either can play depending on the opposition.
    Next in let’s get a RW and a back up GK.

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 12, 2023 at 7:07 pm . Reply

      But Konsa could play at right back.

  4. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 12, 2023 at 6:42 pm . Reply

    Wow what a signing, he’s a centre back and the manager knows his abilities, things are looking up and it shows you don’t let your opponents know what you’re doing . Looking forward to the season utv

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