I know there was talk of this a few weeks back, but the story seemed to peter out and nothing really came of it.
The Telegraph seem to have got their hands on something a bit more concrete though and they’re saying that the club have sounded out Paul Lambert and he’s receptive to signing to signing a new three year deal on improved terms.
Whatever you think of this, two things cross my mind.
The first is, what’s the rush?
Lambert is contracted until the summer of 2015 and unless you’re a club who wants a manager whose seeming best ability is to run a club on even less than a shoestring, I don’t exactly see anyone queueing up to acquire his services.
The second is, this has to be an indicator that either Randy Lerner or Paul Faulkner are ecstatic about Lambert’s performance. Well, similar to my first point, it can only be about money.
It certainly won’t be our style of football, after all, will it?
So, we’re going to be stuck with what we have now, it would seem.
A third point has just crossed my mind.
Is looking to extend the manager’s contract, when there’s no pressing need, really something an owner who is looking to sell would do?
Or is it maybe just a smokescreen to deflect away from that story?
While I can understand the club wanting stability, I can’t say I’m exactly elated about this story and I’d have left it until nearer this time next year, when we’ll be able to make a better judgement.
What price we extend his contract and are even worse next season?
Would that scenario really surprise anyone?
If you look at expectations then the last thing we want is the waste of space Europa league, look at Swansea this season, look at Newcastle the season before.
so either it is CL or mid table and all the club has to say is what do they want ? Keeping Lambert on and if Lerner stays indicates mid table.