Roll on the football season!

I didn’t realise that comments had closed on the previous article. The site does that because old posts attract lots of spam and it’s just more work for me having to get rid of it.

The truth is I don’t really have much to say, but thought some of you might like somewhere you can continue to comment to each other, if you haven’t forgotten about the site that is.

You all know that I’m not in the slightest bit interested in speculation about who we might sign and it’s a view backed up by Smith-Rowe having signed a new contract with Arsenal after our signing him was in the bag.
Likewise, Grealish was a cert to move to Citeh and while I guess he still might, my opinion says it’s looking less likely. That’s after even I fell into the trap of posting that it was a done deal.

What is factual is that we beat Walsall last night either 4-0 or 4-1. I genuinely don’t know because I couldn’t even be bothered to read about it. Friendly results mean nothing to me after Villa players looking poor in pre-season, the year we won the league!
Am I just a tight git, or am I correct in saying watching the game on VillaTV for a fiver is bloody expensive?
I can understand a fiver if you’re going to watch at the ground, but…
Anyway, I actually found a site that was streaming it and started to watch it. Until every time I went fullscreen I was bombarded with adverts. I turned it off after a few minutes.

Buendia seems a great signing. I wasn’t at all convinced about us signing Ashley Young, but my son-in-law(ish) has convinced me that his versatilty will prove to be a big plus. It’s a very good point and apparently he looked the part last night. From the little I’ve read about his signing, he jumped at the chance to come back to Villa and didn’t want to go anywhere else. We also apparently aren’t paying him a massive wage.
The cynic in me wonders if he still owns a house around here, meaning the move doesn’t disturb much for him.
I think a big part of me was annoyed that he left us, but along with Barry, Delph and others, I don’t suppose you can’t blame him.
I’ll wish him luck. He does now play for us again, after all.

Elsewhere, we’re going to sign the world, as per usual.

August the 14th can’t come quick enough.


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  1. Bill Pearson..
    Bill Pearson.. July 22, 2021 at 6:58 pm . Reply

    Yes and its my diamond anniversary today and getting inebriated. Cannot wait for the season to start and full of hope the signings play their part in giving us hope of winning something this year. Im not bothered that players turn us down I just hope they regret what they do. hope your problems are solved Badger and your regenerated for the new season.

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 22, 2021 at 10:59 pm . Reply

      Congratulations Bill – man 60 years that’s a hell of an achievement. Jan and me celebrate our Golden in a couple of months time and that seems a long time 🙂

      Perhaps this coming season we will start to see a Villa back at the top of the tree – it’s been a long time coming.

      Have a brilliant day.

    2. DSVilla
      DSVilla July 23, 2021 at 9:20 am . Reply

      I’m late to this Bill but I hope you and the wife had a lovely day.

  2. Warrior
    Warrior July 23, 2021 at 7:21 am . Reply

    Good to have you back badver

    1. Warrior
      Warrior July 23, 2021 at 8:29 am . Reply

      I’m sorry for spelling mistake Badger

  3. Holte
    Holte July 23, 2021 at 7:07 pm . Reply

    A belated congratulations to you Bill. You have beaten me by 50 years so far! 10 years was more than enough for me.
    Onto the mighty Villa, I am genuinely excited by what the season ahead might bring. We have top class owners and a forward thinking manager who knows our passion. Buendia will prove to be a great acquisition I reckon and the only worry is Jack leaving. If he stays then we will have as good as most clubs in the attacking third. The crop of youngsters coming through look capable of breaking into the first team and can save the owners a lot of money. All in all a real cause for optimism. I see no reason why we can’t break into the top 6. Looking at the clubs who finished above us, there are two with new managers and a rebuild. Arsenal, West Ham and Leeds are all catchable. Just a few weeks before it all begins again and with full crowds. 🤞

  4. Bill Pearson..
    Bill Pearson.. July 24, 2021 at 7:46 am . Reply

    Well Badger its one of them situations, he certainly knows where the goals are been on tube watched the videos of him and liked what I’ve seen, big problem is he’s from one of the dangerous parts of Jamaica so he might have that nasty attitudes from his childhood, it’s one of those things take a chance and hope its the right thing or not. He has the willingness to beat players and skills to match not like some that switch on and off in a match. At 23 he’s still in that funny years of getting there or not. I’d say yes on his abilities.

  5. Sidforever
    Sidforever July 24, 2021 at 8:36 am . Reply

    There were two Villa fans callers on TalkSPORT this week with Andy Goldstein and Jamie O’Hara. Both fans had the temerity to hold the view that Villa would have a good season this year and a good chance of Europe. Both presenters slaughtered our fans.

    It reminds me when we won the league and European cup, the media dismissed our achievement. I am firmly of the belief of the false dawn under Randy Learner that we now have the ownership who truly want success and are equipped to deliver it. I really look forward to us sticking it up the noses of the ‘experts’ who like to deride our club.

  6. Bill Pearson..
    Bill Pearson.. July 24, 2021 at 12:30 pm . Reply

    Sid my old mate them are jobs for the boy’s on talk sport and go after reaction to promote the program. I’m like yourself Villa to the core,a bunch of idiot will be sitting their at the end of the season not admitting they have said it. If anybody came back at them they would switch them off. Villa till I die me sod them.

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 24, 2021 at 4:16 pm . Reply

      TalkSport – TalkShite more like.

      Not sure why anyone listens to it unless their Blues or Baggies fans of course!

  7. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 July 24, 2021 at 5:16 pm . Reply

    Normally I don’t take a lot of notice of friendlies soma 2-0 defeat at Stoke is meaningless (they always seem to beat us anyway! Except Wesley managed to get himself red carded after 7 minutes on the pitch – in a friendly.

    Not sure what the sanction is in respect to game suspension(s) but, once again, Wesley raises serious doubts over his value to us?

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 24, 2021 at 5:17 pm . Reply

      Apologies for the typos etc.

  8. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 July 25, 2021 at 5:41 pm . Reply

    Have you seen the red card handed to Luiz after VAR upgraded it from a yellow?

    Really VAR is a joke and football is becoming a parody of itself. If anything Gradel should have been yellow carded for the worst acting ever seen in a football game 🙂

  9. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 July 26, 2021 at 11:10 am . Reply

    JT leaves Villa to continue his career and quest to become a manager. He’s not taking a managerial appointment but is looking for further experience around Europe.

    Good luck to him; he’s been a good servant of the club for the relatively short period he’s been at VP

  10. OLL again
    OLL again July 26, 2021 at 6:28 pm . Reply

    I’d like to shorten one leg of whoever bought Wesley by 3 inches. HTF did he pass a medical? Hopalong never made a match-winning performance before he was crocked and the red card is the final straw for me. Out please.
    FWIW suspensions in friendlies only count in friendlies so Wesley must miss 3 for Villa.

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 26, 2021 at 6:43 pm . Reply

      Absolutely and we won’t miss him in the remaining friendlies.

      Sadly we’re stuck with him as no one else would be daft enough to buy him!

      We need to send him back to S. America – do you think River Plate would give us £5 as part of a deal for Alvarez 🙂

  11. Holte
    Holte July 26, 2021 at 8:02 pm . Reply

    First of all good luck to JT in his future management roles. His influence as a player and leader have contributed to our climb from championship to where we are now.
    For my sins I paid for Villa TV and watched the Stoke game. The first goal was impressive from a Stoke point of view but Steer made a pigs ear of his positioning. In fact he has looked dodgy in both games so far which makes another goalkeeper a must. Stokes second goal however was real quality so no blame on anyone.
    I agree with the general mood that Wesley isn’t a backup / alternative for Watkins. It looked like Wesley was limping immediately after coming on as a substitute or is it his one leg being longer than the other? Whatever it was, he simply isn’t good enough. If we have to offload either Wesley or Davis on loan or sold, for me it has to be Wesley because at least Davis contributes despite not being a goalscorer. Maybe Smith can get another striker and consider Louie Barry or Brad Young getting some game time.

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 27, 2021 at 9:23 am . Reply

      Holte / OLL – I wonder whether his crucial ligament injury has accentuated his limp? Was it the same leg?

      Just a thought – if so maybe we could claim the transfer fee back on insurance

      On a serious note though, I wonder whether that injury will ultimately end his career which I wouldn’t wish on any footballer.

      1. Big Fat Ron
        Big Fat Ron July 27, 2021 at 4:44 pm . Reply

        Maybe the club or Wesley himself should sue that prick Ben Mee for the assault at Turf Moor that caused the injury?

        Didn’t Paul Elliot take Dean Saunders to court for ending his career? I’m surprised no one’s done something similar since. Pickford should have been done for GBH for what he did to Van Dyke last season. If there were more severe consequences, shit players would learn to control their tackles, as a proper tackle should be made, rather than the demented ‘rush of blood’ which so often leaves some poor sod out for a year and never the same player again.

        Maybe Wesley isn’t good enough. But I believe he nutted the guy at Stoke for a bad tackle. So his reaction is completely understandable. He’s suffered a career-threatening injury and looks to be still feeling the effects, despite making a comeback, so it’s no surprise that he lost his shit when he felt someone went in OTT, especially in a friendly.

        More protection for players, please, and more consequences for shitheads like Ben Mee.

    WARRIOR July 27, 2021 at 5:47 pm . Reply

    I thought Wesley was crap on the pitch and should never wear a villa shirt again but was justified in butting and grabbing for what I thought was a dangerous OTT tackle I also paid to watch it. VTID

  13. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 July 27, 2021 at 6:02 pm . Reply

    Good points BFR / Warrior.

    Has anyone else read JT’s brilliant message to Dean Smith posted on Instagram (AV Official I think but instagram’s a bit beyond me!) if not then it’s really worth a read – 75,000 likes says it all.

    He was a god at Chelsea but Villa fans will, I believe, have taken him to their hearts as a true Villan who has contributed to the rise in the club over the last four years.

  14. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 July 28, 2021 at 11:19 am . Reply

    See we’ve been linked with Will Hughes at Watford (formerly at Derby) – 26 attacking mid fielder, likes to run at defences and good passer of the ball.

    Always liked him as a player – mottled price £12m which seems decent value.

    Stalled contract talks at Watford and has been ‘bomb squadded :-)Watford’s GK Foster recently tweeted ‘don’t go to Villa’ so maybe something in it – replacement for Hourihane?

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 28, 2021 at 11:20 am . Reply

      *mooted price – duh!

  15. Bill Pearson..
    Bill Pearson.. July 28, 2021 at 11:59 am . Reply

    Hitch, I thought it was Leon Bailey we’re in for, €30 million turned down they want €35 .whats that!, £25.5 million? I’d go for that. As for Wesley a right cock up on having him from the start, get rid and be done with players like him .I said it last season him and Davis don’t fit in at Villa Park.

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 28, 2021 at 2:15 pm . Reply

      Bill, apparently so. Hughes seems to be a new addition to the list and one that has a ring of reality to it.

      I’m getting more concerned over these Grealish to ManC rumours though.

      Can’t help feeling a bit sorry for Wesley – much of what’s happened is not really directly his fault.

      1. Bill Pearson..
        Bill Pearson.. July 28, 2021 at 2:56 pm . Reply

        Still think it’s wishful thinking Hitch on City fans part, the lad been at Villa since six , it’s a big move from home in my mind. I’ve screamed his abilities from day one and yes he needs honours in his footballers career. But I’m betting he will give it another twelve months because of the love to the club . I hope.

        1. WARRIOR
          WARRIOR July 28, 2021 at 3:14 pm . Reply

          Hi everybody the Warrior here got my new villa shirt today for the new season and I got to thinking how many supporters bought their shirt with Grealish on the back especially if he ends up being a Man City player And could anyone tell me we’re Mungo Bridge is heard nothing about him. Warrior VTID

          1. Hitchens60
            Hitchens60 July 28, 2021 at 4:33 pm . Reply

            Listed in U23’s and not heard of any loan for him

  16. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 July 28, 2021 at 2:25 pm . Reply

    See Revan has gone to Grimsby on loan – useful left back.

    Funny bit of business though singing Azaz (20) after being released by Albion and then sending him out on loan! Apparently Mark Harrison knows him from his time at Albion and must rate him.

    Described him as a ‘clever, technically astute, attack minded mid field player who enjoyed a successful loan spell with Cheltenham last season’.

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 28, 2021 at 4:34 pm . Reply

      Not released by Albion – free transfer. Apologies thought I had corrected my original post

  17. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 July 29, 2021 at 8:11 pm . Reply

    Beginning to look like Grealish is going then.

    If he does, I think he’s making a mistake that he might come to regret. Money and trinkets over leading his club back to Europe.

    1. WARRIOR
      WARRIOR July 29, 2021 at 8:42 pm . Reply

      I agree with you Hitch it doesn’t look good losing JT and Jack in the same week let’s hope we can get Bailey, and a couple more good signings, and make top six £100 million can buy us top players so goodbye Jack and thank you for the good times and happy memories. VTID

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