I came across this on twitter yesterday and don’t know what to make of it but it looks authentic enough to me.
The sceptic in me says why hasn’t anything concrete come out in the papers?But as you can see it is on what looks like an internet page.
Is it just someone being creative with a blog?I will leave you to debate real or not?UTV
The font looks photoshopped
Probably is mate but I thought I would let you all have a look see?
Photoshopped – the font is larger than Sky use for the article piece below the image. Seriously – who has the time or inclination for such nonsense?
That is definitely photoshopped. I go on Skysports daily and it definitely didn’t show up. Plus it would’ve been on other news sources.
I didn’t see anything either but thought ide put it up to see what everyone thought….
Dude. haha seriously? Wow.
Never seen anything less convicing
That’s why I was asking the question because I didn’t know but thought everyone might want a look
The original was a little blurry so I enhanced the image